Displaying 140151 - 140175 of 144464
OneNewsNow (online audio), Tue, October 6, 2009 Chris Edwards discusses WWL (New Orleans LA) (radio), Mon, October 5, 2009 David Rittgers discusses Afghanistan on Think Tank with Garland Robinette FNC (FOX News Channel) (online video), Thu, October 1, 2009 Chris Edwards discusses Downsizing Government website on Freedom Watch Fox Business Network (television), Mon, October 5, 2009 Mark Calabria discusses Bernanke and TARP on Bulls and Bears CNBC (television), Mon, October 5, 2009 Daniel J. Mitchell discusses economic news of the day on Street Signs Reuters (television), Tue, October 6, 2009 Christopher A. Preble discusses Iran's nuclear weapons - QandO (also appeared in United Liberty and Liberty Papers) Tue, October 6, 2009: Cato featured in a new media post by Jason Pye on "Downsizing Government"
- American Spectator Tue, October 6, 2009: Doug Bandow authored an op-ed on the EU and the Lisbon Treaty: "Now That Ireland Has Caved"
- Utah Council for Citizen Diplomacy Tue, October 6, 2009: Ted Galen Carpenter's 10-6 address on drug policy featured in an article by Bryan Schott: "Dr. Ted Galen Carpenter, Cato Institute"
- St. Louis Post-Dispatch Blog Tue, October 6, 2009: Randal O'Toole featured in an article by David Nicklaus on passenger rail: "Blogger rebuts rapid-rail study"
- Neal Boortz Tue, October 6, 2009: Cato@Liberty linked to in a new media post by Neal Boortz on conservatism: "Reading Assignments"
- Washington Examiner Tue, October 6, 2009: Gene Healy authored an op-ed on President Obama: "Obama is becoming the omnipresident"
- National Review Tue, October 6, 2009: Michael F. Cannon quoted in an op-ed by Stephen Spruiell on health care and Massachusetts: "Obamacare in Practice - New England has already tried much of it, and the results are not encouraging"
- Opposing Views Blog Tue, October 6, 2009: Malou Innocent authored a new media post on withdrawing from Afghanistan: "Obama Must Show Leadership, Pull Out of Afghanistan"
- Daily Uprising Tue, October 6, 2009: Downsizing Government website featured in a new media post by Brandon Martin: " New Website from Cato Explores Federal Waste from a Solutions-Focused Viewpoint"
- New York Times Blogs (Economix) Tue, October 6, 2009: Randal O'Toole's article on urban planning and the housing crisis linked to in a new media post by R. M. Schneiderman: "What We're Reading . . ."
- Attackerman Tue, October 6, 2009: Benjamin H. Friedman mentioned in a new media post by Spencer Ackerman on Afghanistan and Obama: "Jones To McChrystal: Enough"
- Republican Liberty Caucus Blog Tue, October 6, 2009: Robert A. Levy featured in a new media post on the RLC's Constitution Day dinner: "Photo Summary of Republican Liberty Caucus Constitution Day Event with Scholar Bob Levy"
- Benzinga Tue, October 6, 2009: Cato mentioned in a new media post on news: "Thousands of Analysts But Not One "Solutionist" in this World!?"
- National Post (Canada) Tue, October 6, 2009: Johan Norberg's Financial Fiasco featured in an op-ed by Terence Corcoran on the economic crisis and market interventions: "Havoc Lurks In The Flim-Flam"
- National Post (Canada) Tue, October 6, 2009: Johan Norberg's Financial Fiasco excerpted: "Have we learned anything?"
- American Enterprise Institute Blog Tue, October 6, 2009: Andrew J. Coulson mentioned in a new media post by Charles Murray on education: "There Is No Such Thing as Miraculous Test Score Improvements"
KCBS-Radio (Los Angeles CA) (radio), Mon, October 5, 2009 Cato's policy analysis report, "Vallejo Con Dios: Why Public Sector Unionism Is a Bad Deal for Taxpayers and Representative Government," featured.
- World Affairs Journal Tue, October 6, 2009: Benjamin H. Friedman, Harvey M. Sapolsky, Eugene Gholz, and Daryl G. Press co-authored an op-ed on U.S. grand strategy: "Restraining Order: For Strategic Modesty"
KCBS-Radio (Los Angeles CA) (radio), Mon, October 5, 2009 Cato policy analysis paper, "Vallejo Con Dios: Why Public Sector Unionism Is a Bad Deal for Taxpayers and Representative Government,'' featured.