Displaying 140226 - 140250 of 144464
- Christian Science Monitor Mon, October 5, 2009: Cato mentioned in an article by Warren Richey on the U.S. Supreme Court: "Questions surround start of new Supreme Court term"
- Ocala Star-Banner (Ocala FL) Mon, October 5, 2009: Michael F. Cannon quoted in an article by Bill Thompson on Medicare: "Republicans want to take Advantage in Medicare debate"
Voice America Network (radio), Wed, October 7, 2009 Randal O'Toole discusses urban planning and the housing crisis on Income Property Investment Talk - Macon Telegraph Fri, October 2, 2009: Cato quoted in an article by Erik Erickson on unions and police: "Union thuggery"
- Gaebler Fri, October 2, 2009: Cato's 9-30 forum on central banking featured in a new media post: "Interest Rates To Remain Low Despite Economic Improvements"
- Star-Ledger (also appeared in New Jersey Business News) Fri, October 2, 2009: Mark Calabria quoted in an article by Lisa Fleisher on FHA and housing crisis: "A helping hand"
- Motor Home Diaries Blog Fri, October 2, 2009: Peter Eyre authored a new media post on his experience as a Cato intern: "Mankato Memories"
- Austrian Economics Blog Fri, October 2, 2009: Cato mentioned in a new media post on economics: "Lies Our Professors Tell Us"
- Salon Fri, October 2, 2009: Julian Sanchez quoted in a new media post by Glenn Greenwald on Iran: "Iran: more accomplished in one day of negotiations than in 8 years of threats"
- Huffington Post Fri, October 2, 2009: Leon T. Hadar authored an op-ed on Obama's foreign policy: "Obama Should Adopt the "Public Option" in Afghanistan"
Cox Radio Network (radio), Thu, October 1, 2009 Daniel J. Mitchell mentioned regarding the VAT on The Neal Boortz Show - Catholic Family and Human Rights Foundation (also appeared in Fri, October 2, 2009: Cato mentioned in an article by Austin Ruse on international law: "Pro-Life Groups Join Coalition to Make Sure Internationall Law Doesn't Promote US Abortion"
KGO (San Francisco CA) (radio), Thu, October 1, 2009 Roger Pilon discusses animal cruetly supreme court case on Gil Gross Show NPR (radio), Fri, October 2, 2009 Chris Edwards discusses unemployment benefits on Morning Edition - The Wall Street Journal Blogs Fri, October 2, 2009: David Boaz's Cato@Liberty post on the nanny state linked to in a new media post: "News of the Tautological"
- Huffington Post Fri, October 2, 2009: Cato mentioned in a new media post by Stewart Acuff on political strategy: "America Needs Warriors for Justice"
- Drug War Chronicle Fri, October 2, 2009: Cato mentioned in an article on Gary Johnson: "This Week in History"
- OneNewsNow Fri, October 2, 2009: Tad DeHaven quoted in an article by Jim Brown on public-sector unions: "Post Office Plus Unions Equals Millions for Idleness"
- Republican Party of Olmstead County Minnesota Fri, October 2, 2009: Andrew J. Coulson featured in an article on education spending "Cato's Chart of the Day: "Federal Education Spending"
- Campaign for Liberty Fri, October 2, 2009: Leon T. Hadar quoted in a new media post by Peter Orvetti on Iran: "Hands off Iran"
- Light of Liberty Fri, October 2, 2009: Ilya Shapiro featured in a new media post by Thomas J. Lucente Jr. on reverse discrimination: "Cato Lawyer Slams ACLU Lawyer in Race Debate"
- Kansas Watch Dog Fri, October 2, 2009: Andrew J. Coulson featured in a new media post by Earl Glynn on education spending: "Cato’s Chart of the Day: Federal Education Spending"
- What's Right with Kansas Blog Fri, October 2, 2009: Cato featured in a new media post on education spending: "Cato Institute: Education Funding & Results"
- Campaign for Liberty Fri, October 2, 2009: Doug Bandow authored a new media post on government spending: "Neocons Advocate Wasting Americans' Money"
- Journal of Turkish Weekly Fri, October 2, 2009: Swaminathan S. Anklesaria Aiyar quoted in an article by John Williamson on SDRs and the IMF: "The Case For Regular SDR Issues: Fixing Inconsistency In Balance-of-payments Targets"