Displaying 140101 - 140125 of 144464
WRVA (Richmond VA) (radio), Wed, October 7, 2009 Patrick J. Michaels discusses climate research unit destorys data on Richmond's Morning News with Jimmy Barrett CNBC (television), Tue, October 6, 2009 Mark Calabria discusses TARP money for homeowners on Street Signs MSNBC (television), Wed, October 7, 2009 Daniel J. Mitchell discusses the weakening dollar on Morning Meeting CNN (television), Wed, October 7, 2009 Michael F. Cannon’s Politico article is cited on CNN’s American Morning
- Wall Street Journal Europe Wed, October 7, 2009: Marian L. Tupy authored an op-ed on the EU and the Lisbon Treaty: "Klaus Won't Sign the Lisbon Treaty"
- Planetizen Wed, October 7, 2009: Randal O'Toole's report, "How Urban Planners Caused the Housing Bubble," featured in a new media post by Tim Halbur: "O'Toole Blames Planners for Housing Crisis"
- Rethink Afghanistan Wed, October 7, 2009: Malou Innocent authored a new media post on an exit strategy for Afghanistan: "Exiting the Afghan Quagmire"
- Fox News Wed, October 7, 2009: Michael F. Cannon quoted in an article by James Pinkerton on health care and Obama: "Bobby Jindal's Brave Move"
- Richmond Times-Dispatch Wed, October 7, 2009: Michael F. Cannon quoted in an article by A. Barton Hinkle on health care and compulsory insurance: "Individual Mandate on Health Care Resembles a Peacetime Draft"
- Marginal Revolution Wed, October 7, 2009: Timothy B. Lee mentioned in a new media post on net-neutrality: "Assorted Links"
- Get Fisa Right Blogs Wed, October 7, 2009: Julian Sanchez' video-blog on Fox News' coverage of the Patriot Act featured in a new media post by Harry Waisbren: "Julian Sanchez goes after Fox"
- The Agitator Wed, October 7, 2009: Cato mentioned in a new media post on "Morning Links"
- American Spectator blog Wed, October 7, 2009: Cato mentioned in a new media post by Philip Klein on libertarianism and conservatism: "Pinkerton Redefines Conservatism"
- The Hill Blogs Wed, October 7, 2009: David Rittgers quoted in a new media post by Tony Romm on Afghanistand and Gen. McChrystal: "The Big Question: Did Gen. McChrystal break the chain of command?"
- Steyn Online Wed, October 7, 2009: Cato@Liberypost, "Free Speech, Hate Speech, and Canada’s Section 13," by Jason Kuzinski linked to in a new media post: "Canada v. Human Rights"
- Washington Independent Wed, October 7, 2009: Jagadeesh Gokhale quoted in an article by Mike Lillis on unemployment and the GOP: "Lagging Economic Indicator Sets Up 2010 GOP Rhetoric"
KMOX (St. Louis MO) (radio), Wed, October 7, 2009 Michael F. Cannon discusses Baucus health care bill on The Mark Rearden Show - Chronicle of Higher Education Wed, October 7, 2009: Neal McCluskey quoted in an article by Libby Nelson on education and federal funding: "Ending Federal Student Aid Could Cut College Costs, Speaker Says"
- Salon Blogs Wed, October 7, 2009: Glenn Greenwald authored a new media post on the Washington Post's White House coverage: "The joint Post/Obama defense of the Patriot Act and FISA"
- The Atlantic Blogs Wed, October 7, 2009: Julian Sanchez' video-blog on Fox News' coverage of the Patriot Act linked to in a new media post by Andrew Sullivan: "Not Even Close"
- Washington Independent Blogs Wed, October 7, 2009: Julian Sanchez' video-blog on Fox News' coverage of the Patriot Act inked to in a new media post by Spencer Ackerman: "Julian Sanchez Essentially Nukes Fox News on the PATRIOT Act"
- Electronic Frontier Foundation Wed, October 7, 2009: Julian Sanchez featured in a new media post by Kevin Bankston on Fox News' coverage of the Patriot Act renewal: "Fact Check on FOX News' Misleading PATRIOT Act Reporting"
- The Week Wed, October 7, 2009: Will Wilkinson authored an op-ed on cap-and-trade: "How cap-and-trade is like ritual self-flagellation"
- OpEd News Wed, October 7, 2009: Michael D. Tanner mentioned in a new media post on health care: "We're No. 19! We're No. 19!"
- Hot Air Blog Wed, October 7, 2009: Cato mentioned in a new media post on government takeover of health care: "ObamaCare: A FAIL from sea to shining sea"