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@CatoInstitute (Twitter)

@Greener300 (Twitter)

Submitted by Eadamec on Thu, 01/17/2019 - 1:21pm
The Cato Institute (@CatoInstitute) and Institute for Justice (@IJ) are teaming up to fight federal agencies attempting to censor citizens who want to complain about harsh government settlement terms.

@mrbarnard1 (Twitter)

Submitted by Eadamec on Thu, 01/17/2019 - 1:18pm
Deep dive into facts and analysis before our despot assaults America with lies, hate, and racism tonight to try to shove America into the maw of his authoritarian tyranny. Why the Wall Won't Work via @CatoInstitute

@TheLibRepublic (Twitter)

Submitted by Eadamec on Thu, 01/17/2019 - 1:17pm
Meteorologist and @CatoInstitute adjunct scholar Ryan Maue says he sees no evidence the government shutdown is crippling the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration’s (NOAA) premier weather model. #GovernmentShutdown

@reason (Twitter)

Submitted by Eadamec on Thu, 01/17/2019 - 1:12pm
The Cato Institute (@CatoInstitute) and Institute for Justice (@IJ) are teaming up to fight federal agencies attempting to censor citizens who want to complain about harsh government settlement terms.

@IJSanders (Twitter)

Submitted by Eadamec on Thu, 01/17/2019 - 1:12pm
A truly star-studded new show: @IJ representing @CatoInstitute in a lawsuit against the SEC, challenging a ban on writing a book! With special guest-star, and former IJ attorney, @ConLawWarrior in a new role as an IJ client!

@joenbc (Twitter)

Submitted by Eadamec on Thu, 01/17/2019 - 1:10pm
Trump Lies on Crime: "Illegal immigrants are 44% less likely to be incarcerated than natives. Legal immigrants are 69 percent less likely to be incarcerated than natives. Legal and illegal immigrants are underrepresented in the incarcerated population.”

@mbarnard1 (Twitter)

Submitted by Eadamec on Thu, 01/17/2019 - 1:09pm
Deep dive into facts and analysis before our despot assaults America with lies, hate, and racism tonight to try to shove America into the maw of his authoritarian tyranny. Why the Wall Won't Work via @CatoInstitute


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