Displaying 137801 - 137825 of 144464
WTAM (radio), Wed, December 16, 2009 Patrick J. Michaels discusses ClimateGate and Copenhagen on Radio Free Rocky D WIBA (Madison WI) (radio), Wed, December 16, 2009 Patrick J. Michaels discusses ClimateGate and Copenhagen on Upfront with Vicki McKenna WIBA (Madison WI) (radio), Mon, December 21, 2009 Michael F. Cannon discusses health care reform on Upfront with Vicki McKenna WTIC (Hartford CT) (radio), Mon, December 21, 2009 Michael D. Tanner discusses health care reform on Mornings With Ray Dunaway WBAL (Baltimore MD) (radio), Wed, December 16, 2009 Michael D. Tanner discusses health care reform on Maryland's Morning News with Dave Durian United Stations Radio Network (Syndicated) (radio), Mon, December 28, 2009 Michael F. Cannon discusses a government takeover of health care on Lou Dobbs Daily WBAL (Baltimore MD) (radio), Mon, January 4, 2010 Doug Bandow discusses the cost of the war in Afghanistan on The Ron Smith Show VOA (radio), Mon, January 4, 2010 Jim Harper discusses airport security WNYC (radio), Tue, December 22, 2009 Jim Harper discusses government transparency on The Takeaway WTOP (radio), Thu, December 17, 2009 Chris Edwards discusses the postal service bailouts KMOX (St. Louis MO) (television), Wed, December 16, 2009 Michael F. Cannon discusses health care reform on Mark Reardon Show WHJJ (Providence RI) (radio), Wed, December 23, 2009 Michael D. Tanner discusses health care reform KFTK (St. Louis MO) (radio), Wed, December 23, 2009 Michael D. Tanner discusses health care reform - Investor's Business Daily Mon, January 4, 2010: Cato cited in an editorial on health care costs: "Once Patients Pay, Health Costs Will Fall"
- Daily News (Bowling Green KY) Mon, January 4, 2010: Michael F. Cannon quoted in an article by Jim Waters on individual mandate for health care: "False analogy"
- Milford Daily News (also appeared in Trentonian) Mon, January 4, 2010: Nat Hentoff authored an op-ed on cuba: "The Castro brothers' big dirty secret"
- Reason Magazine Blog Mon, January 4, 2010: Cato mentioned in a new media post by Tim Cavanaugh on sub-prime mortgages: "OK, Maybe Poor People Are the Problem"
- Cafe Hayek Mon, January 4, 2010: Chris Edwards mentioned in a new media post by Don Boudreaux on Bush's spending record: "Bush’s Budget Record"
- American Spectator blog Mon, January 4, 2010: Doug Bandow authored a new media post on federal spending: "Final Returns for Bush the Big Spender"
- Los Angeles Times (CA) (also appeared in Chicago Tribune (IL)) Mon, January 4, 2010: Michael F. Cannon featured in an article by James Oliphant on the constitutionality of the individual health insurance mandate: "Opponents of a health insurance mandate mobilize"
- Chicago Tribune (IL) (also appeared in Baltimore Sun and Los Angeles Times (CA)) Mon, January 4, 2010: Juan Carlos Hidalgo quoted in an article by Paul Richter on Obama in Latin America: "Obama losing favor in Latin America"
- Washington Post Mon, January 4, 2010: Patrick J. Michaels quoted in an article by Mike Musgrove on mandated disclosure of energy costs of DC commercial buildings: "Energy costs for D.C. commercial buildings to go online"
- Los Angeles Times Blogs Mon, January 4, 2010: William A. Niskanen quoted in a new media post by Don Lee on Ron Paul and federal spending: "OMG, what's happening? A year into Obama's reign, Ron Paul's loopy ideas now making sense"
- Canada Free Press Mon, January 4, 2010: PA 648 "Would a Stricter Fed Policy and Financial Regulation Have Averted the Financial Crisis?", by Jagadeesh Gokhale and Peter Van Doren cited in an article by Alan Caruba on bailouts: "Stop the Bailouts!"
- Atlanta Journal-Constitution (GA) Mon, January 4, 2010: Cato cited in a new media post by Bob Barr on federal spending: "Federal spending insults families and small businesses"