Book TV covers the Ayn Rand book forum.
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- Real Clear World Mon, November 9, 2009: Marian L. Tupy authored an op-ed on Che Guevara: "Che Guevara and the West"
- New York Daily News Mon, November 9, 2009: Aaron Yelowitz authored an op-ed on mandatory health insurance: "Why would Congress compel young adults to buy health insurance they don't need?"
- Democracy for New Mexico Mon, November 9, 2009: Cato mentioned in a new media post on GOP allegations against New Mexico Lt. Governor Diane Denish: "Consider the Source: Scarantino Busted on"
- Defense News Mon, November 9, 2009: Justin Logan authored an op-ed on entangling alliances: "America's Alliances Are Costly Relics"
- Zanesville Times Recorder (Zanesville OH) (also appeared in Milford Daily News and Camp Verde Bugle (Camp Verde AZ)) Mon, November 9, 2009: Nat Hentoff authored an op-ed on the Constitution: "Re-educating Americans about our identity"
- Blogcritics Mon, November 9, 2009: Cato mentioned in a new media post by Dave Nalle on the GOP: "The Myth of Republican Uniformity"
- Miami Herald Mon, November 9, 2009: Cato mentioned in an article by Beth Reinhard on Charlie Crist: "Suddenly, skies are cloudy for Charlie Crist"
- Pittsburgh Tribune-Review Mon, November 9, 2009: Randal O'Toole quoted in an article by Matthew Santoni on the Maglev transit project: "Maglev transit project pushed, could create jobs"
- Washington Post (also appeared in Detroit News, La Cruces Sun News (Las Cruces NM), and Contra Costa Times (Walnut Creek CA)) Mon, November 9, 2009: Cato mentioned in an op-ed by Paul Hollander on the history of communism: "Murderous idealism"
- Philadelphia Inquirer Mon, November 9, 2009: Chris Edwards quoted in an article by James M. Von Bergen on public-sector unions: "Strike: A risk worth taking?"
- Palm Beach Post Political Blog Mon, November 9, 2009: Chris Edwards quoted in a new media post by Michael C. Bender on the Crist campaign: "Fact Check: 3rd Crist Campaign Spot"
C-SPAN2 (television), Sat, November 7, 2009 WNOX (Knoxville TN) (radio), Sun, November 8, 2009 Michael D. Tanner discusses House health care vote - Washington Post Mon, November 9, 2009: Mark Calabria quoted in an article by Martha C. White on the U.S. Treasury's gold reserves: "Aren't we sitting on a gold mine?"
- Peoples Press Collective Mon, November 9, 2009: Roger Pilon quoted in a new media post by Jimmy Sengenberger on prescription drug costs: "Regulatory changes necessary to lower prescription drug costs"
- Reuters Blogs (also appeared in Code Pink) Mon, November 9, 2009: Christopher A. Preble quoted in a new media post by Sue Pleming on Afghanistan: "Is Afghan war one of necessity for U.S.?"
- Mon, November 9, 2009: Cato mentioned in an op-ed by Amanda Sandford on tobacco marketing: "Forget what the tobacco industry says"
- Daily Press (Newport News, VA) Mon, November 9, 2009: Cato mentioned in an article by Peter Dujardin and David Macaulay on Senator Webb's proposed reform of the criminal justice system: "Sen. Webb calling for major reform of criminal justice system"
- American Spectator Mon, November 9, 2009: Neal McCluskey mentioned in an article by Rishawn Biddle on charter schools: "Leaving Parents Behind"
- Huffington Post Mon, November 9, 2009: Benjamin H. Friedman mentioned in a new media post by the Yale Political Union on defense spending: "Should the United States Slash its Defense Budget?"
- Mon, November 9, 2009: Marian L. Tupy authored an op-ed on Communism: "Firing Squads And Forced Labor Camps, Is Capitalism Really That Bad?"
- The Hill Blogs (also appeared in Independent Political Report) Mon, November 9, 2009: David Boaz authored a new media post on third parties: "Will we see the rise of a viable third party?"
- American Banker (also appeared in Insurance Networking News) Mon, November 9, 2009: Mark Calabria quoted in an article by Stacy Kaper on Chris Dodd's regulatory reform bill: "Dodd Charts Risky Course on Reg Reform"
- Hot Air Mon, November 9, 2009: Doug Bandow quoted in a new media post on big government: "Maybe this time…"
- American Prospect Online Fri, November 6, 2009: David Boaz featured in an article by Linda Y. Li on Ayn Rand: "Atlas Drugged"