IFA (Online Video) Thu, October 15, 2009: Juan Carlos Hidalgo gives a speech on the war on drugs at IFA
Displaying 136351 - 136375 of 144484
- MRC NewsBusters Thu, February 25, 2010: Jose Pinera featured in an article by Anthony Kang on Social Security's future: "Cato Scholar: Private Accounts the Only Answer on Social Security, Pensions"
IFA (online video), Thu, October 15, 2009 WTIC (Hartford CT) (radio), Tue, February 23, 2010 Jeffrey Miron discusses taxes on Sound Off Connecticut with Jim Vicevich WSPD (Toledo OH) (radio), Wed, February 24, 2010 Michael F. Cannon discusses health care summit on The Brian Wilson Show Westwood One (radio), Wed, February 24, 2010 Jeffrey Miron discusses jobs bill on The Jim Bohannon Show BNN (Canada) (television), Tue, February 23, 2010 Mark Calabria discusses Volcker and FDIC on Squeeze Play Atlas Economic Research Foundation (online video), Wed, February 24, 2010 Doug Bandow discusses the economics of the draft CNBC (television), Tue, February 23, 2010 Daniel J. Mitchell guest-hosting for Larry Kudlow on The Kudlow Report
Fox Business Network (television), Thu, February 25, 2010 Michael D. Tanner discusses health care summit on Fox Business with Dagen McDowell and Brian Sullivan - The Volokh Conspiracy Thu, February 25, 2010: David Rittgers cited in a new media post by Kenneth Anderson on the use of drones: "Drones as Strategic Airpower and the Counter-Raiding Light Cavalry?"
- Daily Caller Thu, February 25, 2010: Mark Calabria authored an op-ed on the bursting of the housing bubble: "Housing problem was the bubble, not the bust"
- FoxNews.com Thu, February 25, 2010: Michael D. Tanner authored an op-ed on the pitfalls and procedures of reconciliation: "The Reconciliation Rulebook"
- Townhall Thu, February 25, 2010: David A. Hyman authored an op-ed on antitrust exemptions for health insurance companies: "Revoking Insurers’ Antitrust Exemption No Solution to High Premiums"
- Reuters Thu, February 25, 2010: Michael F. Cannon quoted in an article by Patricia Zengerle on the cost of Obama's health care plan: "Obama unveils his US$950B health plan"
- Politico's Arena Thu, February 25, 2010: David Boaz authored a book review on the costs of Obama's health care plan: "The President's Health Care Plan"
- Booth Newspapers (MLive.com) Thu, February 25, 2010: Cato cited in an editorial on the state of the US health care system: "We are all to blame for the present state of our health care system"
- Courier Express (Pennsylvania) Thu, February 25, 2010: Nat Hentoff authored an op-ed on Obama and military authority: "Can Obama assassinate Americans?"
- Newsmax Thu, February 25, 2010: Alan Reynolds cited in an article by Theodore Kettle on the federal stimulus and unemployment: "Federal Reserve: Stimulus Increased Unemployment"
- Daily Caller Thu, February 25, 2010: Tad DeHaven quoted in an article by Gautham Nagesh on Senate spending and tax credits bill: "Senate approves bill for employer tax credit and transportation spending"
- OneNewsNow Thu, February 25, 2010: Neal McCluskey featured in an article by Bill Bumpas on national standards and competition in schools: "Make schools compete for students"
- Neal Boortz Thu, February 25, 2010: Tad DeHaven cited in a new media post by Neal Boortz on small businesses' discontent over government and taxes: "Small Business and Government Don't Mix"
- Mis finanzas al dia (Costa Rica) Thu, February 25, 2010: Daniel Griswold quoted in an article on CAFTA: "CAFTA: Ninguna panacea, pero sello de democracia y orden para la inversión extranjera"
- Orange County Register Thu, February 25, 2010: Michael F. Cannon quoted in an editorial on the health care summit: "Obama gets to play 'deal or no deal'"
- InstaPundit Thu, February 25, 2010: Cato mentioned in a new media post by Glenn Reynolds on live-blogging the health care summit: "At Cato, live-blogging the health care summit."
- Philadelphia Inquirer Thu, February 25, 2010: Michael F. Cannon authored an op-ed on the health care summit: "Health reformers' worst idea"