Regulation article mentioned on All Things Considered
Displaying 136276 - 136300 of 144484
- Congressional Quarterly Mon, March 1, 2010: Michael D. Tanner quoted in an article by Shawn Zeller on Ron Paul and the Republican Party: "Ron Paul: Too Strong for the 'Tea Party'?"
NPR (radio), Mon, March 1, 2010 BBC Arabic (television), Mon, March 1, 2010 Daniel J. Mitchell discusses debt crisis - Middletown Journal (Ohio) Mon, March 1, 2010: David Boaz cited in a column by David Harsanyi on Ron Paul and the Republican Party: "Ron Paul is not the solution to any problem, real or imagined"
- Collegian (California State University, Fresno) Mon, March 1, 2010: Michael F. Cannon cited in an op-ed by Mike Boylan on the problems of the Republican Party: "What’s up with the GOP?"
- U.S. News & World Report Mon, March 1, 2010: Mark Calabria quoted in an article by Luke Mullins on recovery in the housing market: "The Great Real Estate Revival"
- Reason Mon, March 1, 2010: Cato mentioned in a column by Jonathan Adler on the EPA and the Clean Air Act: "The EPA’s Carbon Footprint"
- American Spectator (Online) Mon, March 1, 2010: Doug Bandow mentioned in a new media post by John Tabin on Ahmed Chalabi and Iraqi politics: "Re: Chalabi"
- Mon, March 1, 2010: Michael D. Tanner mentioned in a new media post on high-deductible health insurance: "Real Clear Politics Monday"
- Associated Press Mon, March 1, 2010: Christopher A. Preble quoted in an article on "don't ask, don't tell" and gays in the military: "Marine Corps: Study Gay Ban but Don't Hurt Force"
- Washington Internet Daily Mon, March 1, 2010: Julian Sanchez mentioned in an article by Louis Trager on copyright law: "Lessig Scores Congress as Captive, Apple as 'Tone-Deaf' on Sharing"
- Reason Magazine Blog Mon, March 1, 2010: Julian Sanchez cited in a new media post by Matt Welch on the one-year extension of the Patriot Act: "Remember that PATRIOT Act Thingy?"
- Cafe Hayek Mon, March 1, 2010: Cato cited in a new media post by Don Boudreaux on a U.S. withdrawl from NAFTA: "Maybe Even Give Such Authority to Each Congressional District!"
- InstaPundit Mon, March 1, 2010: Cato cited in a new media post by Glenn Reynolds on federal spending: "A Chart Worth Running Again: From Cato: Five Decades of Federal Spending."
- Think Progress Mon, March 1, 2010: Cato mentioned in a new media post by Matthew Ygelsias on contrasting the U.S. with foreign countries: "Where Do Rich Lowry and Ramesh Ponnuru Get Their Policy Models From"
- National Law Journal Mon, March 1, 2010: Timothy Sandefur authored an op-ed on McDonald v. Chicago and economic liberties: "Revive 'privileges or immunities'"
- Mon, March 1, 2010: Cato and Patrick J. Michaels mentioned in a new media post by Chris Santiago on climate change denial: "Chief Climate Skeptic, Brought to You By Big Energy"
WSBA (York PA) (radio), Tue, March 2, 2010 Tad DeHaven discusses jobs bill on York's Morning News - International Economic Law and Policy Blog Mon, March 1, 2010: Daniel Griswold authored a new media post by Simon Lester on the benefits of global trade: "Main Street America Benefits from Global Engagement"
- Washington Post Mon, March 1, 2010: Cato mentioned in an article by Robert Barnes on the McDonald v. Chicago case: "Gun case presents quandary for Supreme Court justices"
C-SPAN (television), Fri, February 19, 2010 Robert A. Levy interviewed at CPAC
- Royal Gazette (Bermuda) Mon, March 1, 2010: Cato cited in an op-ed by Robert Pires on the 2010/2011 budget statement: "Road to where?"
- Daily Caller Mon, March 1, 2010: Michael F. Cannon authored an op-ed on health care reform ideas: "The best and worst health care reform ideas"
- National Review Blogs Mon, March 1, 2010: Alan Reynolds authored a new media post on unemployment benefits: "Senator Bunning’s Unappreciated Gifts"
- Washington Post Online Fri, February 26, 2010: Tom G. Palmer featured in an article by Andy Feeney on the effort to legalize handguns in Washington DC: "D.C. doesn't need more guns on the streets"