Displaying 135776 - 135800 of 143152
- Washington Examiner Wed, January 27, 2010: Michael F. Cannon quoted in an article by Julie Mason on the significance of the State of the Union address: "Obama looks inward at a defining moment for his presidency"
WFTL (Fort Lauderdale FL) (radio), Thu, January 28, 2010 Randal O'Toole discusses high-speed rail on The Jeff Katz Show - Daily Caller Wed, January 27, 2010: Cato's liveblogging coverage of the State of the Union address mentioned in a new media post by Jim Treacher: "Sorry to disappoint you, but I probably won’t be liveblogging the SOTU thing tonight"
- Medill News Service Wed, January 27, 2010: Malou Innocent and Christopher A. Preble quoted in an article by Katie Glueck and Jordan Helton on Obama's State of the Union address and national security issues: "The nation and world: A look forward at security concerns"
PBS (television), Sat, January 16, 2010 Mark Calabria discusses financial collapse on Great Decisions WSPD (Toledo OH) (radio), Tue, January 26, 2010 Gene Healy discusses State of the Union on Brian Wilson Show CNBC (television), Tue, January 26, 2010 Daniel J. Mitchell discusses spending freeze and preview of State of the Union on Kudlow Report - Front Page Magazine (online) Wed, January 27, 2010: Patrick J. Michaels cited in a column by Rich Trzupek on errors in the IPCC report on glaciers: "Global Warming Dogma Melts in Glaciergate"
- (also appeared in Washington Examiner) Wed, January 27, 2010: Gene Healy authored an op-ed on the State of the Union address: "Gene Healy: Tuning out the State of the Union"
- Politico's Arena Wed, January 27, 2010: Roger Pilon authored a new media post on discontent over Obama's policies: "State of the Union: What should Obama say?"
KVOI (Tucson AZ) (radio), Sat, February 6, 2010 John Samples discusses Citizens United ruling on Inside Track BBC (television), Wed, January 27, 2010 Michael F. Cannon discusses health care and state of the union on Newshour. Will air on WETA at 6:00 pm and WHUT at 6:30.
- Huffington Post Wed, January 27, 2010: Richard W. Rahn mentioned in a new media post by John Atlas on O'Keefe's arrest and the ACORN scandal: "ACORN Is Back in the News, but the News Still Gets it Wrong"
- Grand Rapids Press Wed, January 27, 2010: Cato mentioned in an article by Dave Murray on an upcoming Michigan health care summit: "GVSU hosts health care forums with speakers from Brookings Institute, Slate and more"
- Politico Blogs Wed, January 27, 2010: Cato mentioned in a new media post by Ben Smith on David Boaz paper linked: "Remainders: The union"
- Wed, January 27, 2010: Stanley Kober authored an op-ed on Iran's nuclear program: "Iran's Sacrificial Bomb"
- New York Times Blogs Wed, January 27, 2010: David Boaz mentioned in a new media post by Tom Kuntz on his article linking Avatar with property rights issues: "Third World as Retirement Home"
- Investor’s Business Daily Wed, January 27, 2010: Daniel J. Mitchell quoted in an editorial on Obama's proposed moratorium on spending: "Phony Freeze"
- Think Progress blogs Wed, January 27, 2010: Sallie James cited in a new media post by Matthew Yglesias on Rep. Colin Peterson's support for the 2012 Farm Bill: "Endgame"
- Appeal Democrat (Marysville CA) Wed, January 27, 2010: Roger Pilon quoted in an editorial on the future course of action of the US Supreme Court: "Supremes ready to rumble?"
- Sun Journal (New Bern, NC) (also appeared in Wed, January 27, 2010: John Samples and Ilya Shapiro cited in an op-ed by John Stossel on the Citizens United ruling: "Blow for free speech"
- Washington Times Wed, January 27, 2010: Richard W. Rahn authored an op-ed on reviving the US economy: "Recouping the golden quarter"
- MSNBC Wed, January 27, 2010: Richard W. Rahn featured in a transcript on the arrest in New Orleans of James O'Keefe whose undercover film damaged Acorn's reputation: "COUNTDOWN for January 26, 2010"
WIBA (Madison WI) (also appeared in WTVN (Columbus OH)) (radio), Wed, January 27, 2010 Patrick J. Michaels discusses green jobs on Outside the Box Hearst Argyle (also appeared in KMBC (Kansas City MO), WLWT (Cincinatti OH), WISN (Milwaukee WI), WYFF (Greenville SC), WGAL (Harrisburg PA), NBC (Greensboro NC), WLKY (Louisville KY), KITV (Honolulu HI), WPTZ (Burlington VT), KHBS/KHOG (Ft. Smith AR), & KSBW (Monterey CA)) (television), Tue, January 26, 2010 Daniel J. Mitchell discusses spending freeze