Displaying 135726 - 135750 of 144464
- The Free Liberal Thu, March 18, 2010: Cato cited in a new media post by Paul Gessing on foreign aid: "Don't Like Israel's Settlements: Stop Paying the Tab!"
- Daily Caller Thu, March 18, 2010: Andrew J. Coulson authored an op-ed on the Opportunity Scholarships program: "Voucher vote a double negative for Democrats"
- Townhall Thu, March 18, 2010: Michael F. Cannon authored an op-ed on the process behind the health care reform bill: "ObamaCare: An Ugly Process, and It Will Only Get Uglier"
- Huffington Post Thu, March 18, 2010: A Cato forum on consumer protection and financial regulation was mentioned in an article by Janis Bowdler:"To Protect or Not to Protect? The Answer Depends on How You Ask the Question"
- Bluegrass Policy Blog Thu, March 18, 2010: Cato cited in a new media post on the real cost of public education: "Kentucky's education system: All noise, no impact"
- United Liberty Thu, March 18, 2010: Michael F. Cannon cited in a new media post by Jason Pye on the failure of the Massachussets health care system: "Massachusetts Treasurer blasts state health care plan, a model for ObamaCare"
- Liberty Maven Thu, March 18, 2010: Michael F. Cannon cited in a new media post by Mike Miller on the unconstitutionality of Obamacare: "Can the House pass the Senate healthcare bill without voting on it?"
- Patient Power Thu, March 18, 2010: Michael F. Cannon cited in a new media post by Brian Schwartz on David Goldhill's opposition to Obamacare: "A Democrat’s case for opposing Obama Care"
- Huffington Post Thu, March 18, 2010: Doug Bandow cited in an op-ed by Kevin Zeese on the state of the anti-war movement: "Broad Based Anti-War Network Forming on 8th Anniversary of Iraq War"
KTRH (Houston TX) (radio), Thu, March 18, 2010 Christopher A. Preble discusses Iraq anniversary on Morning News With Lana Hughes and J.P. Pritchard - The Atlantic Thu, March 18, 2010: Cato cited in a column by Wendy Kaminer on libertarian voters: "Libertarianism, Post 9/11"
- People's Press Collective Thu, March 18, 2010: Michael F. Cannon cited in a new media post on Romneycare and Obamacare: "Mitt Romney's Achilles heel"
- Big Government Thu, March 18, 2010: Daniel J. Mitchell authored a new media post on the CBO's estimates on Obamacare's cost: "Rigging the Healthcare Debate with Dishonest Numbers"
- DeSmogBlog Thu, March 18, 2010: Cato mentioned in a new media post by Richard Littlemorec on climate change: "John Mashey: Crescendo Climategate Cacophony"
- Big Journalism Thu, March 18, 2010: Michael D. Tanner cited in a new media post by Candace de Russy on passing the health care bill: "The MSM and Obama’s ‘Medi-Grab’: Let Their Punishment Fit the Crime"
- Thu, March 18, 2010: Mark Calabria quoted in an article by Albert Bozzo on proposed financial regulatory reform: "Forget Health Care: Big Issue For Voters Is Financial Reform"
- New York Post (NY) Thu, March 18, 2010: Mark Calabria authored an op-ed on Senator Dodd's new financial reform plan: "Bailout bonanza"
- Washington Internet Daily Thu, March 18, 2010: Jim Harper quoted in a column by Greg Piper on online data collection by the federal government: "'Sensitive' Data Must Get Higher Protection Defining It Another Matter"
- ISN (Switzerland) Thu, March 18, 2010: Cato mentioned in an article by Jody Ray Bennett on savings and trusts overseas: "Hidden Money, Covert Operations"
- (Ireland) Thu, March 18, 2010: Daniel Griswold cited in an article on Chinese yuan valuation: "China carrying out yuan stress tests on 12 industries"
Reuters TV (television), Thu, March 18, 2010 Michael D. Tanner discusses health care reform - Associated Press Wed, March 17, 2010: Chris Edwards quoted in an article by Emery P. Dalesio on 'green' manufacturing: "NC-based Cree example for green manufacturing jobs"
BBC Radio (radio), Wed, March 17, 2010 Daniel J. Ikenson discusses U.S.-China currency - Washington Examiner Wed, March 17, 2010: Michael F. Cannon cited in a column by David Freddoso on 'Obamacare' and 'Romneycare': "What Obamacare has already done for Massachusetts"
- Wed, March 17, 2010: William Poole authored a commentary in an article on the state of the American middle class:"Economic Experts Weigh in on How to help the Middle Class"