Displaying 133176 - 133200 of 144464
- Townhall Wed, June 16, 2010: Patrick J. Michaels authored an op-ed on the debate on climate legislation: "Rahming Through a Lame Duck Climate Bill?"
Fox Business Network (television), Tue, July 6, 2010 Gerald P. O'Driscoll discusses Fed policy on Bulls and Bears - Toledo Blade Wed, June 16, 2010: Chris Edwards cited in a column by Jack Kelly on public employees' wages and benefits: "Public employees make too much"
- Terra Colombia Wed, June 16, 2010: Ian Vasquez cited in an article by Grupo Reforma on regulation: "Critican especialistas reglas contra lavado de dinero"
- Wall Street Journal Wed, June 16, 2010: Richard A. Epstein authored an op-ed on the BP liability cap: "BP Doesn't Deserve a Liability Cap"
CNBC (television), Mon, June 28, 2010 Mark Calabria discusses the housing market in a primetime special hosted by Steve Liesman
- Washington Times Wed, June 16, 2010: Daniel J. Mitchell quoted in a column by Frank Perley on the relationship between Hillary Clinton and Hugo Chavez: "Hillary and Hugo"
- Miller-McCune Wed, June 16, 2010: Chris Edwards cited in an article by Emily Badger on federal employees' wages and benefits: "Are Federal Employees Overpaid?"
- Nashville Post Business Blog Wed, June 16, 2010: Tad DeHaven cited in a new media post by Geert De Lombaerde on bailouts: "Hmm, put that way, $50B ain’t all that much"
- Politico Arena Wed, June 16, 2010: David Boaz authored a new media post on Obama's responsibilites in regard to the oil spill: "Neglecter-in-chief?"
WTBC (Tuscaloosa AL) (radio), Wed, June 16, 2010 Patrick J. Michaels discusses the climate bill - International Business Times Wed, June 16, 2010: Christopher A. Preble quoted in an article by Joseph Picard on a U.S.-Russian strategic arms reduction: "A new START for an old danger"
- Libertarian Minds Wed, June 16, 2010: Christopher A. Preble cited in a new media post by James Padilioni on interventionism in US foreign policy: "American Intervention – A Force for Good?"
- Americans for Tax Reform Wed, June 16, 2010: Cato cited in a new media post on George Voinovich's record: "The Real George Voinovich Record: As a Governor, Anything but a 'fiscal hawk'"
- Business and Media Institute Wed, June 16, 2010: Tad DeHaven quoted in an article by Julia A. Seymour on network coverage of new stimulus calls from Obama: "Obama Wants $50 Billion more for Stimulus, Networks Nearly Silent"
- Atlanta Journal-Constitution Blog Wed, June 16, 2010: Daniel J. Mitchell featured in a new media post by Kyle Wingfield on the proportion of state residents that take welfare money: "Presenting the Moocher Index"
Lars Larson Show (radio), Wed, June 16, 2010 Patrick J. Michaels discusses the climate bill - Reason Online Wed, June 16, 2010: Julian Sanchez cited in a new media post by Matt Welch on Obama's broad interpretation of executive power: "Jon Stewart: "Your campaign was premised on reigning in presidential power. WHAT HAPPENED??""
- Daily Caller Wed, June 16, 2010: David Rittgers quoted in an article by Amanda Carey on regulations that may infringe on freedom of speech: "Plan to regulate pre-paid cell phones may violate First Amendment"
- Daily Caller Wed, June 16, 2010: Malou Innocent authored an op-ed on the U.S. strategy in Afghanistan: "The real story behind Petraeus’s collapse"
- Monthly Review Wed, June 16, 2010: Michael D. Tanner featured in a new media post by David Rosnick on government debt: "Does the Cato Institute Understand How Government Debt Works?"
- National Review Online Wed, June 16, 2010: Neal McCluskey authored an op-ed on national education standards: "Here Come the Federal Education Standards"
- Terra Colombia Wed, June 16, 2010: Ian Vasquez cited in an article by Grupo Reforma on regulation: "Critican especialistas reglas contra lavado de dinero"
- Business Week Wed, June 16, 2010: Mark Calabria quoted in an article by Scott Lanman and Craig Torres on the New York Fed: "Frank Proposes Altering Plan on New York Fed Chief (Update3)"
- Pileus Blog Wed, June 16, 2010: Roger Pilon mentioned in a new media post by James Otteson on an upcoming debate on liberty's future: "The Future of Liberty: Debate"