Rep Louie Gohmert mentions Cato's independence from lobbyists and special interests on Tonight From Washington
Displaying 133126 - 133150 of 144464
- Tampa Bay Fri, June 18, 2010: Ilya Shapiro quoted in a new media post by Louis Jacobson on the Supreme Court decision on Florida beach: "Both sides find something to like about Supreme Court decision on Florida beach"
- National Center for Policy Analysis Fri, June 18, 2010: Michael D. Tanner cited in a new media post on the costs of universal health care: "The folly of subsidizing policies sold through exchanges"
- Red State Fri, June 18, 2010: Cato mentioned in a new media post by Lori Ziganto on the future of the right: "Chris Matthews’ ‘The Rise of The New Right’: Deceptions and Delusions"
- Marin Family Action (Blog) Fri, June 18, 2010: Bert Ely quoted in a new media post on home loans: "Dark Shadows Around Mers"
- Federal Times Fri, June 18, 2010: Cato cited in a new media post by Stephen Losey on the difference between public and private sector compensation: "OPM enlists outside experts to determine federal-private pay gap"
- Fri, June 18, 2010: Tad DeHaven cited in a new media post by Diane Nilan on the viability of modern public housing: "Can Public Housing Change its Stripes?"
- National Interest Online Fri, June 18, 2010: Doug Bandow authored an op-ed on US-Japanese relations: "Get Out of Japan"
- New York Times Online Thu, June 17, 2010: Nat Hentoff featured in a column by Aidan Levy on an interview about jazz: "A Steady Voice on Jazz and Politics, Still Going Strong"
C-SPAN (television), Wed, June 16, 2010 - Neal Boortz Thu, June 17, 2010: Daniel J. Mitchell cited in a new media post on state welfare programs: "Reading Assignments: I love this .. this Cato Institute has come up with a Moocher Index by state""
- Forbes (Online) Thu, June 17, 2010: Cato CitedFeatured in a column by Jim Arkedis on military spending: "Wanted: Strange Bedfellows (To Advocate Spending Cuts)"
- Election Law Blog Thu, June 17, 2010: Ilya Shapiro mentioned in a new media post by Rich Hansen on Stop the Beach v. Florida: "Debate: Citizens United, Republic Divided; Campaign Finance Law After Citizens United"
- Save Darfur (Twitter) Thu, June 17, 2010: Cato cited in a new media post by Save Darfur (Twitter) on a Cato policy forum: "Cato Institute Policy Forum: Sudan After The Elections"
- Legal Times Blog Thu, June 17, 2010: Ilya Shapiro cited in a new media post by Tony Mauro on Stop the Beach v. Florida: "Stop the Beach: The Difference a Recusal Can Make"
- Thu, June 17, 2010: David Rittgers quoted in an article on the Maryland wiretapping law: "Online Posting of Motorcyclist's Traffic Stop Sets Off Debate on Wiretap Law"
- Volokh Conspiracy Thu, June 17, 2010: David E. Bernstein AuthoredFeatured in a new media post on the June Cato Unbound on civil rights laws: "Essay on Libertarianism and Antidiscrimination Law"
- InstaPundit Thu, June 17, 2010: David E. Bernstein cited in a new media post by Glenn Reynolds on the June Cato Unbound on civil rights laws: "Content Matters: A Better Libertarian Approach to Antidiscrimination Law"
- Freeman Online Thu, June 17, 2010: David E. Bernstein and Jason Kuznicki featured in a new media post by Sheldon Richman on the June Cato Unbound on civil rights laws: "Debate of 1964 Civil Rights Act"
- El Yuma Thu, June 17, 2010: Cato's Development Briefing paper by Yoani Sanchez, 'Freedom and Exchange in Communist Cuba,' featured in a new media post: "'Freedom and Exchange in Communist Cuba' by Yoani Sánchez"
- Washington Post (Online) Thu, June 17, 2010: Edward H. Crane mentioned in a column by David Weigel on the Bradley Prize ceremony: "Thanking McCain and Obama, tongue firmly in cheek, at the Bradley Prizes"
- Huffington Post Thu, June 17, 2010: Cato's Development Briefing paper by Yoani Sanchez, 'Freedom and Exchange in Communist Cuba,' featured in a column: "Freedom and Exchange in Communist Cuba"
- Cuban Triangle Thu, June 17, 2010: Cato's Development Briefing paper written by Yoani Sanchez, 'Freedom and Exchange in Communist Cuba,' cited in a new media post: "Odds and Ends"
- Star-Ledger (Newark, NJ) (also appeared in Times Union (Albany, N.Y.), South Bend Tribune (Indiana), Sacramento Bee, Lexington Herald-Leader (Kentucky), & Bellingham Herald (Wash.)) Thu, June 17, 2010: Benjamin H. Friedman and Christopher A. Preble authored an op-ed on cutting the military budget: "Bring our dollars home"
- Wall Street Journal Asia Thu, June 17, 2010: Steve H. Hanke cited in an editorial on Asian capital controls: "Capital-Control Comeback?"
- MRC NewsBusters Thu, June 17, 2010: Tad DeHaven cited in an article by Julia A. Seymour on the media's coverage of Obama's requested state bailout: "Obama Requests $50 Billion More, Networks Devote 38 Times More Coverage to World Cup"