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@Jon_C_Wood (Twitter)

Submitted by Eadamec on Fri, 01/03/2020 - 12:07pm
Is unconstrained presidential power the best (or only) way to protect federal lands? @cobrown and I discuss that question in this @CatoPodcast @cgousu @PERCtweets

@PERCtweets (Twitter)

Submitted by Eadamec on Fri, 01/03/2020 - 12:06pm
So long as the #GrizzlyBear remains listed, property owners face burdensome regulations if grizzlies migrate through their land which can undermine the incentives for private landowners to accommodate species. @CatoPodcast @BrianYablonski

@sam_a_bell (Twitter)

Submitted by Eadamec on Fri, 07/19/2019 - 3:00pm
holy shit! Judy Shelton 2015: "on the statistics, short answer I completely agree with you. I don't trust the statistics on GDP growth or on inflation." [1:07:07 of ] question started -- "I do not believe any statistics that come out of our government..."

@robbwolf (Twitter)

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on Thu, 07/12/2018 - 3:25pm
Why Does the Federal Government Issue Damaging Dietary Guidelines? via @CatoPodcast
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