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@snlester (Twitter)

@snlester (Twitter)

Submitted by Eadamec on Tue, 08/18/2020 - 4:11pm
Kamala Harris during the debates: "I am not a protectionist Democrat. Look, we need to sell our stuff. And that means we need to sell it to people overseas. That means we need trade policies that allow that to happen."

@UKTradeForum (Twitter)

Submitted by Eadamec on Thu, 01/16/2020 - 1:17pm
Anti-dumping duties between the EU and UK post Brexit anyone? Possible. So why not an international tribunal to decide if it's fair and keep the trade peace? That's a proposal to decision-makers by @CatoTrade 's @snlester

@sallykidd (Twitter)

Submitted by Eadamec on Tue, 03/26/2019 - 10:33am
Tonight on @hearst stations: What new tariffs on foreign auto imports could mean for US consumers. @potus says no decision yet on that. @snlester of @CatoInstitute weighs in

@jrubinblogger (Twitter)

Submitted by Eadamec on Mon, 06/04/2018 - 12:44pm
This Peter Navarro op-ed makes clear that there are old school, die-hard protectionists with a lot of influence in the Trump administration. He is very forthright about helping specific industries, and is oblivious to the costs imposed on everyone else.
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