Neily, Clark
Neily WLW
@ConLawWarrior (Twitter)
SCOTUS can pour at least some oil on these roiling waters by granting cert in a qualified immunity case and offering at least a token mea culpa for its role in creating a system in which cops can violate citizens' rights with near impunity. Stay tuned:
@ConLawWarrior (Twitter)
1. The frustration we're seeing now is 100% legit.
2. Police are held to a VASTLY lower standard with respect to criminal/civil liability.
3. Much of the blame rests w/ judges and prosecutors who are the architects of our near-zero accountability policy for law enforcement.
@ConLawWarrior (Twitter)
George Floyd can't speak anymore because a cop jammed his knee into the back of Floyd's neck until he died. The Supreme Court will decide TOMORROW whether to take responsibility for its part in Floyd's death or turn a blind eye. Send a message—TONIGHT.
@ConLawWarrior (Twitter)
With Minneapolis burning, it's important to know who's responsible. A large measure of blame goes to SCOTUS, which has imposed on us a judicially invented policy of near-zero accountability for law enforcement that it steadfastly refuses to reconsider.
@ConLawWarrior (Twitter)
And if you don't already know what an abomination qualified immunity is, please check out
's comprehensive website, Unlawful Shield:
@mirriam71 (Twitter)
I’ve been saying for years - let’s see what happens if we get rid of qualified immunity. We won’t because it is what allows cops to kill black people. That’s it.