Neily, Clark
Neily WWL
@ConLawWarrior (Twitter)
SCOTUS can pour at least some oil on these roiling waters by granting cert in a qualified immunity case and offering at least a token mea culpa for its role in creating a system in which cops can violate citizens' rights with near impunity. Stay tuned:
@ConLawWarrior (Twitter)
1. The frustration we're seeing now is 100% legit.
2. Police are held to a VASTLY lower standard with respect to criminal/civil liability.
3. Much of the blame rests w/ judges and prosecutors who are the architects of our near-zero accountability policy for law enforcement.
@ConLawWarrior (Twitter)
Why are people so angry about our criminal justice system? Because it's rotten to the core and an absolute raging dumpster fire of injustice—that's why.
@ConLawWarrior (Twitter)
If you didn’t understand that getting rid of qualified immunity is a matter of life and death, you do now. #AbolishQI