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Submitted by Eadamec on Tue, 09/01/2020 - 11:19am
Ten Global Trends Every Smart Person Should Know: And Many Others You Will Find Interesting by @humanprogress editor Marian Tupy and Ronald Bailey via @amazon

@HumanProgress (Twitter)

Submitted by Eadamec on Mon, 08/31/2020 - 1:44pm
We are the luckiest generation. On average, we are longer living, richer, healthier, more educated, safer & even happier than any other people who have ever lived. Is it too much to ask that we start behaving in a manner commensurate with our good fortune?

@HumanProgress (Twitter)

Submitted by Eadamec on Mon, 08/31/2020 - 1:41pm
The inefficiency of making even something as humble as a sandwich by oneself is simply mind-boggling. There was a time when everyone grew their own food. It was a time of immense poverty and labor without rest

@HumanProgress (Twitter)

Submitted by Eadamec on Tue, 08/25/2020 - 11:20am
Two countries, one lesson. Between 1970 and 2017: Chile: Economic freedom: +123% Income per capita: +204% Venezuela: Economic freedom: -64% Income per capita: -42% Full article:

@HumanProgress (Twitter)

Submitted by Eadamec on Tue, 08/25/2020 - 11:17am
Two countries, one lesson. Between 1970 and 2017: Chile: Economic freedom: +123% Income per capita: +204% Venezuela: Economic freedom: -64% Income per capita: -42% Full article:


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