Displaying 143526 - 143550 of 144464
WMUZ (Detroit MI) (radio), Thu, June 11, 2009 Michael D. Tanner discusses universal health care on Bob Dutko Show - The New American Thu, June 11, 2009: William Poole quoted in an article by Ann Shibler on the proposed audit of the Fed: "Ron Paul’s Bill H.R. 1207 to Audit the Fed"
WTIC (Hartford CT) (radio), Thu, June 11, 2009 Michael D. Tanner discusses Massachusetts miracle on Ray Dunaway Morning Show WBT (Charlotte NC) (radio), Wed, June 10, 2009 Michael D. Tanner discusses health care reform on Tara Servatius Show Reuters TV (television), Wed, June 10, 2009 Malou Innocent discusses Afghanistan - Huffington Post Thu, June 11, 2009: Randal O'Toole mentioned in an article by Frank Gruber on urbanism: "New Urbanism: Very Misunderstood"
Fox Business Channel (television), Mon, June 8, 2009 Doug Bandow discusses US journalists in North Korea on Scoreboard KOGO (San Diego CA) (television), Thu, June 11, 2009 Michael D. Tanner discusses health care reform on Chip Franklin Mornings - One News Now Thu, June 11, 2009: Michael D. Tanner quoted in an article by Pete Chagnon on government run health care: "Universal healthcare 'a recipe for breaking the bank'"
- The Santa Barbara Independent Thu, June 11, 2009: Cato mentioned in a column by Jerry Roberts on the Cato sponsored seminar in Santa Barbara: "California, by Campbell"
- DailyKos (Blog) ( Thu, June 11, 2009: Tad DeHaven quoted in a new media post on federal spending: "Record budget deficits and international fallout"
- The Oregonian (Portland, OR) Thu, June 11, 2009: Randal O'Toole quoted in an article by Fred Leeson on Portland city planning: "Portland's streetcar architecture -- past becomes future"
- Today's Zaman Thu, June 11, 2009: Steve H. Hanke quoted in an article by Abdullah Bozkurt on Turkish IMF loan: "Top economist Steve Hanke says Turkish economy can do without IMF loan"
- Slate ( Thu, June 11, 2009: David Boaz and Jeffrey Miron quoted in an article by Jeremy Singer-Vine on legalization of marijuana: "A Toke and a Tax"
- Huffington Post Thu, June 11, 2009: Tom G. Palmer mentioned in an article by Christopher Barron on gun control: "Concealed Carry: If You're Interested in Preventing Hate Crimes, Let's Stop them Before They Happen"
- Reason (Hit and Run) Wed, June 10, 2009: Sallie James mentioned in a new media post by Radley Balko on online poker regulation: "Feds Freeze Online Poker Accounts"
- Daily Markets Wed, June 10, 2009: Tad DeHaven cited in a new media post by David Spurr on federal spending: "Is Obama’s PAYGO Plan Too Little Too Late?"
- New York Times Wed, June 10, 2009: Tad DeHaven cited in an article by David Leonhardt on GOP spending cuts: "For U.S., a Sea of Perilous Red Ink, Years in the Making"
- Republican Liberty Caucus Wed, June 10, 2009: Cato mentioned in a new media post on Students for Liberty working with Cato: "RLC member chosen to lead Students for Liberty forward"
Washington Post (Online) (also appeared in BloggingHeads.Tv) (online video), Will Wilkinson appeared on a video blog post by Ezra Klein on politics. “My Head, Blogging”
MPR (Saint Paul MN) (radio), Wed, June 10, 2009 Mark Calabria discusses repayment of TARP funds on Midmorning With Kerri Miller - Politico (The Arena) Wed, June 10, 2009: David Boaz authored a new media post on national debt: "Neither party is serious about cutting the deficit or the national debt"
- National Review Online Wed, June 10, 2009: Patrick J. Michaels authored a new media post on U.N. climate policy: "The UN’s Climate of Futility"
WGUF (Naples FL) (radio), Thu, June 11, 2009 Richard W. Rahn discusses state and local government budgets on Bob Harden Show - Wed, June 10, 2009: Will Wilkinson mentioned in a new media post on the government takeover of General Motors: "The 31-Year Old Dauphin of Detroit - Will Wilkinson, The Week"