Displaying 143176 - 143200 of 144464
American Public Media (radio), Tue, June 23, 2009 Ian Vasquez discusses Venezuela's move to abolish drug patents on Marketplace Morning Report WSPD (Toledo OH) (radio), Thu, June 18, 2009 P. J. O'Rourke discusses Driving Like Crazy on The Brian Wilson Show TJ Network (radio), Tue, June 23, 2009 Ian Vasquez discusses increases in IMF funding on The Mike Slater Show - Associated Press Tue, June 23, 2009: Daniel Griswold quoted in an article by Martin Crustinger on international trade: "US case against China export curbs signals tension"
Al Jazeera English (television), Thu, June 25, 2009 Christopher A. Preble discusses the U.S. writhdrawl in Iraq on Al Jazeera English Atlantic TV News (television), Tue, June 23, 2009 Cato covered Pakistan and the Future of U.S. Policy - American Issues Project Tue, June 23, 2009: Randal O'Toole quoted in a new media post by Melissa Clouthier on the housing bubble: "Capitalism Versus Socialism: Who Is Really "Mean?""
VOA (television), Tue, June 23, 2009 Cato covered Pakistan and the Future of U.S. Policy - Fishbowl DC Tue, June 23, 2009: Vladimir Bukovsky and Edward H. Crane MentionedQuoted in an article by Christine on Bukovsky joins Cato: "Morning Reading List 05.21.09"
- The D.C. Writeup Tue, June 23, 2009: Michael D. Tanner quoted in a new media post by Brett Banker on Massachusetts health care plan: "Don’t Repeat Mass. Health Care Failure"
- Texas Insider Tue, June 23, 2009: Shirley Svorny authored an article on California license boards: "Elimnating California State Licensing boards Would Save Funds"
KDWN (Las Vegas NV) (radio), Tue, June 23, 2009 Michael D. Tanner discusses health care reform on Heidi Harris in the Morning - Americans for Tax Reform (also appeared in Center for Fiscal Accountability) Tue, June 23, 2009: Jim Harper quoted in an article by Sandra Fabry on obama: "The Obama Administration's Favorite Pass Time: Goal Post-Moving"
- City Journal Tue, June 23, 2009: James Tooley featured in a book review by Liam Julian on The Beautiful Tree: A Personal Journey Into How the World’s Poorest People Are Educating Themselves: "The Private Schools No One Sees"
- Water World Tue, June 23, 2009: Cato mentioned in a new media post by Carlos David Mogollon on water as a resource: "Summer a Time for Cool Water, Reading & Movies"
- Washington Times Tue, June 23, 2009: Jim Harper quoted in an article by Jon Ward on the White House's website: "Obama’s Web site has fresh style but data is still lagging"
- (Blogs) Tue, June 23, 2009: Jim Harper quoted in a new media post by Ryan Singel on Obama's cyber czar: "Cyber Security Czar Front-Runner No Friend of Privacy"
- The Washington Post (Daily Dose) Tue, June 23, 2009: Cato mentioned in a new media post by Sarah Lovenheim on paying for the Massachusetts health care plan: "Critics Express Concerns about Massachusetts Model"
- Daily Kos Tue, June 23, 2009: Cato mentioned in an article by beyondleft on nuclear subsidies: "No More Nuclear Subisidies!"
- Washington Times Tue, June 23, 2009: Marian L. Tupy and Michela Wrong authored an op-ed on African aid funding corruption: "Geldof humanitarian gig"
- National Center for Policy Analysis Tue, June 23, 2009: Michael D. Tanner quoted in a new media post on co-op healthcare options: "No, Really, It's Not Government Run!"
- Tue, June 23, 2009: Michael F. Cannon quoted in an article on increasing Medicare coverage: "New Deal Aims To Close Medicare Coverage Gap"
- Tue, June 23, 2009: Michael D. Tanner quoted in an article by Marie Magleby on Massachusetts health care plan: "Massachusetts Health Care Reform Not as Successful as Lawmakers Claim, Free Market Analyst Says"
- Politico (The Arena) Tue, June 23, 2009: David Boaz authored a new media post on what he would ask Obama: "What question would you ask the president at his news conference today?"
- Reason Hit and Run Tue, June 23, 2009: Cato featured in a new media post on Judge Napolitano book forum: "Reason Writers Around Town: Watch Damon Root Discuss Dred Scott's Revenge with Judge Andrew Napolitano"