Displaying 143026 - 143050 of 144464
- Freedom Politics Mon, June 29, 2009: Daniel J. Mitchell cited in a new media post by Bill Goodwin on America's comparative tax burden: "America: Tax Oppressor"
- The American Spectator Mon, June 29, 2009: Doug Bandow authored an op-ed on abortion: "The Consequences of the Culture of Death"
- Enter Stage Right Mon, June 29, 2009: Richard W. Rahn quoted in a new media post on political immaturity: "Lingua publica"
- The Sunday Independent (South Africa) Mon, June 29, 2009: Marian L. Tupy quoted in an article by Fiona Forde on South African culture: "South Africa in the eyes of the world"
- Mon, June 29, 2009: Roger Pilon and Ilya Shapiro quoted in a new media post by Glenn Reynolds on Ricci v. DeStefano: "June 29, 2009"
- Washington Times Mon, June 29, 2009: Cato cited in an editorial on health care: "Health care's big secret"
- American Spectator Mon, June 29, 2009: Michael F. Cannon and Michael D. Tanner featured in a new media post by Philip Klein on health care: "Cato Tackles Obama's Health Care Claims"
- Politico (The Arena) Mon, June 29, 2009: Roger Pilon authored a new media post on the Ricci case: "The Ricci Case: reaction"
WJR (Detroit MI) (radio), Tue, June 30, 2009 Roger Pilon discusses Supreme Court decision on Ricci on The Frank Beckmann Show Teleamazonas (television), Mon, June 29, 2009 Juan Carlos Hidalgo discusses coup in Honduras - Young Americans for Liberty Mon, June 29, 2009: Cato mentioned in a new media post by Justin Page Wood on Gilbert Schwartz at Cato: "Gilbert Schwartz, Former Associate General to the Fed, Confesses"
- Reason (Hit and Run) Mon, June 29, 2009: Ilya Shapiro featured in a new media post by Damon Root on government-enforced monopolies: "Important Victory for Economic Liberty in Oregon"
- American Thinker Blog Mon, June 29, 2009: Chris Edwards quoted in an article by Rick Moran on Union tax exemptions: "Union health plans may avoid special tax"
- David Kirkpatrick Mon, June 29, 2009: Justin Logan featured in a new media post by David Kirkpatrick on Iran's green wave: "Cato on Iran’s green wave and Obama’s response"
WTOP (Washington DC) (radio), Mon, June 29, 2009 Cato mentioned regarding Haper's testimony on cybersecurity - theblogprof Mon, June 29, 2009: Michael F. Cannon and Michael D. Tanner cited in a new media post on health care: "Cato Institute Dissects Obama's Health Care Infomercial"
- For Freedom's Sake Mon, June 29, 2009: Michael F. Cannon and Michael D. Tanner featured in a new media post on health care: "Setting the Record Straight on Health Care Reform"
- Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty Mon, June 29, 2009: Andrei Illarionov quoted in an article by Gregory Feifer on Georgian/Russian relations: "Friction Feeds Fears Of New Russia-Georgia Conflict"
- The Agitator Mon, June 29, 2009: Jim Harper cited in a new media post by Radley Balko on the White House's website: "White House Website Stylish, Lacks Substance"
Telemundo (television), Mon, June 29, 2009 Ilya Shapiro discusses Supreme Court decision on Ricci on Noticias NBC (television), Mon, June 29, 2009 Roger Pilon discusses Supreme Court decision on Ricci on Nightly News with Brian Williams FNC (FOX News Channel) (television), Mon, June 29, 2009 Michael F. Cannon discusses taxing health benefits on America's Newsroom Cox Broadcasting (television), Mon, June 29, 2009 Roger Pilon discusses Supreme Court decision on Ricci KVI (Seattle WA) (television), Tue, June 30, 2009 Patrick J. Michaels discusses cap and trade bill on The Weissbach Show - Politico (The Arena) Mon, June 29, 2009: Roger Pilon authored a new media post on cap and trade: "The American Clean Energy and Security Act: yea or nay?"