Displaying 142701 - 142725 of 142996
- St. Louis Post-Dispatch Tue, May 19, 2009: Jerry Taylor quoted in an article on cap and trade: "Battle lines drawn over energy policy"
- DefenseNews Mon, May 18, 2009: Benjamin H. Friedman quoted in an article by Kris Osborn on FCS: "FCS Is Dead; Programs Live On"
- Mon, May 18, 2009: Neal McCluskey authored an op-ed on tuition aid: "Genuine Change Won’t Come this Way"
- National Post (Canada) Mon, May 18, 2009: Jerry Taylor mentioned in a new media post by David Frum on Rush Limbaugh: "The view from Limbaugh-land"
- Spiked (Online) (U.K.) Mon, May 18, 2009: Gene Healy quoted in an op-ed by Wendy Kaminer on the federal criminal code: "Resist this assault on freedom of thought"
- The Daily Bell Mon, May 18, 2009: Cato mentioned in a transcript by Leonard Melman on the gold standard: "Leonard Melman, the Money Supply and the Bright Future of Money Metals"
- Fishbowl DC Mon, May 18, 2009: Tucker Carlson mentioned in a new media post on his new position at FOX: "Tucker And Dana Sign On With Fox News"
- Real Clear World Mon, May 18, 2009: Christopher A. Preble mentioned in a new media post by Greg Scoblete on definition of success in foreign policy: "On Political Paradoxes"
- Fox News (Online) ( Mon, May 18, 2009: Ted Galen Carpenter quoted in an article by Joshua Rhett Miller on narcogangs: "FBI Joins Probe of Murder of Four Young Americans in Mexico"
- Mon, May 18, 2009: Cato mentioned in an op-ed by Dr. Tony Magana on drug legalization: "A Conservative Dilemma:Illegal Drugs"
- Washington Post Mon, May 18, 2009: Chris Edwards authored an op-ed by Jason Clemens and Niels Veldhuis on Canadian vs. U.S. fiscal policies: "Great Right North"
- National Review Mon, May 18, 2009: Michael F. Cannon authored an op-ed on Obamacare: "Placebo - Why the Democrats' proposals will not work"
- Globalist Mon, May 18, 2009: James Tooley authored an article on The Beautiful Tree: "Schools in the Slums of Hyderabad (Part II)"
- Globalist Mon, May 18, 2009: James Tooley authored an article on The Beautiful Tree: "Private Education and Development: A Missed Connection? (Part III)"
- Globalist Mon, May 18, 2009: James Tooley authored an article on The Beautiful Tree: "The Beautiful Tree"
- Mon, May 18, 2009: Cato mentioned in a transcript by Glenn Beck on size of government: "Stats: D's and R's increase government"
- El Deber Mon, May 18, 2009: Gabriela Calderon authored an op-ed on trade: "El Sucre"
- Washington Times (Washington, DC) Mon, May 18, 2009: Doug Bandow authored an op-ed on homelessness: "Home > News > National SOLUTIONS/BANDOW: Handling America's homeless families"
- Mon, May 18, 2009: Patrick J. Michaels mentioned in an article on climate change: "Global warming in perspective: today's Google news results"
- Marginal Revolution Mon, May 18, 2009: Cato mentioned in a new media post by Tyler Cowen on Markey-Waxman Bill: "My Markey-Waxman query repeated: what are the climate benefits of the bill?"
- Climate Progress ( Mon, May 18, 2009: Cato mentioned in a new media post on climate change: "Contempt of Congress: House GOP reveals disdain for clean energy, livable climate with 450 planned amendments to Waxman-Markey and a more-of-the-same rehash of Cheney energy plan"
- The Politico (Washington, DC) Mon, May 18, 2009: Roger Pilon authored a new media post on treatment of detainees: "How should detainees be handled?"
- Free Lance-Star (Fredericksburg, VA) Mon, May 18, 2009: Nat Hentoff mentioned in an editorial on hate speech: "Hate or not"
KWQC (Davenport IA) (television), Sun, May 17, 2009 Cato mentioned regarding tax code pages on News WJR (Detroit MI) (radio), Thu, May 21, 2009 Patrick J. Michaels discusses OMB-EPA comments on Frank Beckmann