Displaying 142326 - 142350 of 144464
- University Wire Wed, July 22, 2009: Cato cited in an op-ed by Nick Prelosky on education spending: "Texas' progressive education system should pay off"
- Korea Herald (also appeared in Korea Times) Wed, July 22, 2009: Daniel J. Ikenson cited in an op-ed by Alec Van Gelder on free trade: "Open Trade, Stop Recession"
- Investor's Business Daily Wed, July 22, 2009: Michael D. Tanner cited in an editorial on health care: "Still not an option"
- CBS News Wed, July 22, 2009: Michael F. Cannon mentioned in an op-ed by Pejman Yousefzadeh on Obamacare: "The CBO Death Knell For "Obamacare""
- Economist Wed, July 22, 2009: Cato mentioned in an article on Clay Shirky's essay on Cato Unbound: "All the news that's free to print"
- Government Information Security Wed, July 22, 2009: Jim Harper featured in an article by Eric Chabrow on cyber attacks: "Are D.C. Insiders Stoking Cyber Fears?"
- Matthew Yglesias Wed, July 22, 2009: David Boaz linked to in a new media post by Matthew Yglesias on Hayek book sales.
- Yuma Sun (Arizona) Wed, July 22, 2009: Doug Bandow cited in an editorial on credit card regulations: "Credit card bill already has unintended consequences"
- Human Events Wed, July 22, 2009: Michael F. Cannon mentioned in an op-ed on universal health coverage: "It's Not the Uninsured, Stupid"
- Human Events Wed, July 22, 2009: David Boaz cited in an article on outrageous taxes: "Top 10 Most Outrageous Taxes Proposed (or Publicly Floated by Obama)"
- Wed, July 22, 2009: Michael D. Tanner cited in an op-ed by Jacob Sullum on health care: "Paying a Premium for Insurance"
- Booker Rising Wed, July 22, 2009: Daniel Griswold quoted in a new media post on immigration reform: "As Immigrants Move In, Americans Move Up"
- Washington Times Wed, July 22, 2009: Cato mentioned in an editorial on overcriminalization: "Innocent 'criminals'"
- Master Resource Wed, July 22, 2009: Nat Hentoff mentioned in a new media post by Robert Bradley on cap and trade: "The Left’s Civil War on Cap-and-Trade: Who Likes Political Capitalism?"
- Wed, July 22, 2009: Mark Calabria quoted in an article by Edwin Mora on bailed-out banks: "Treasury Has No Clear Rules for Bailed Out Banks Trying to Buy Their Stock Back from Government, Says GAO"
- Wed, July 22, 2009: Malou Innocent mentioned in an op-ed on the war in Afghanistan: "Afghanistan: The Deadliest Month and It's Time to Get Out"
- Politico Wed, July 22, 2009: Tad DeHaven quoted in an article by Eamon Javers on the debt bubble: "Experts float debt-bubble fears"
- Washington Times Wed, July 22, 2009: Richard W. Rahn authored an article on AMA endorsement of health care bill: "The most destructive disease"
- (Blogs) Wed, July 22, 2009: Jim Harper cited in a new media post by Ryan Singel on federal earmarks: "Report Federal Pork, Win A Kindle"
Fox Business Channel (television), Mon, July 20, 2009 Michael D. Tanner discusses health care reform on America's Nightly Scoreboard - The Club For Growth Tue, July 21, 2009: David Boaz quoted in a new media post on rising sales of Hayek's "The Road to Serfdom:" "Soaring Sales for 'Road to Serfdom'"
- El Economista (Spain) Tue, July 21, 2009: Juan Carlos Hidalgo authored an op-ed on crisis in Honduras: "Honduras: Not a Military Coup"
- National Review - The Corner Blog Tue, July 21, 2009: Veronique de Rugy authored a new media post on Matt Mayer's views on homeland security: "Homeland Security and Federalism"
WTVN (Columbus OH) (radio), Mon, July 20, 2009 Michael D. Tanner discusses health care reform on Bob Conners Morning Show KOGO (San Diego CA) (radio), Mon, July 20, 2009 Michael D. Tanner discusses health care reform on Chip Franklin Mornings