Displaying 141426 - 141450 of 144464
- The Hollywood Liberal Tue, August 25, 2009: Doug Bandow QuotedCited in a new media post on on the CIA Probe into torture: "Doug Bandow: Investigate Top Officials, not Just CIA Interrogators"
WTIC (Farmington CT) (radio), Wed, August 26, 2009 Jerry Taylor discusses Cash for Kitchens on Mornings With Ray Dunaway - Latina (Online) Tue, August 25, 2009: Juan Carlos Hidalgo quoted in an article by Mariela Rosario on the decriminalization of drugs in Mexico: "Mexico Decriminalizes Minor Drug Possession"
- The Volokh Conspiracy Tue, August 25, 2009: Cato featured in a new media post by Orin Kerr on Constitution Day: "Cato Constitution Day Events, Sept 17"
- Drug War Chronicle Blog Tue, August 25, 2009: Cato featured in a new media post on Cato Unbound's issue covering the war on drugs in Mexico: "Cato Unbound Looks at the Mexican Drug War"
- Foreign Policy Blogs Tue, August 25, 2009: Cato quoted in a new media post by Joel Davis on the influence of India and Pakistan in Afghanistan: "Ballots & Bullets in Afghanistan"
CNN (television), Wed, August 19, 2009 Michael F. Cannon and Cato mentioned regarding health care rationing on CNN Newsroom - State Journal-Register (Springfield, IL) Tue, August 25, 2009: Randal O'Toole quoted in an article by Kristina Rasmussen on high speed rail: "Fast-tracking high-speed plans is not sound policy"
CNBC TV 18 (India) (television), Tue, August 25, 2009 Steve H. Hanke discusses the market and the stimulus BBC (radio), Fri, August 21, 2009 Chris Edwards discusses Cash for Clunkers CNBC (television), Mon, August 24, 2009 Mark Calabria discusses economic recovery on Street Signs CNN en Espanol (television), Tue, August 25, 2009 Juan Carlos Hidalgo discusses Bernanke's future in the fed - McClatchy News Service Tue, August 25, 2009: Chris Edwards quoted in an article by David Lightman on Cash for Clunkers: "Clunkers' deadline boosts sales, but critics doubt effect will last"
- Tue, August 25, 2009: Steve H. Hanke featured in a transcript on the market and the stimulus: "Be in commodities, emerging mkts till Feb '10"
- American Thinker Tue, August 25, 2009: Cato mentioned in an article by Monte Kuligowski on health care: "Dr. Obama and the Hypocrite's Oath"
- Los Angeles Times (CA) Tue, August 25, 2009: Edward H. Crane quoted in an obituary of Rose Friedman.
- Washington Examiner (also appeared in San Francisco Examiner) Tue, August 25, 2009: Gene Healy authored a column on Department of Homeland Security: "Abolish the DHS"
- Philadelphia Bulletin Tue, August 25, 2009: Neal McCluskey quoted in an article by Bradley Vasoli on college rankings: "Many Area Schools Do Well In U.S. News Rankings"
- Today's Campus Tue, August 25, 2009: Neal McCluskey featured in an article on student loans: "A savvy Washington-watcher discusses the present condition of student loan federalization."
- National Review Online (Blogs) Mon, August 24, 2009: Patrick J. Michaels authored an article on media coverage of climate-change legislation and global warming: "Desperate Strategies for Desperate Times . . . and Post"
VOA (radio), Mon, August 24, 2009 Ted Galen Carpenter discusses the North Korean delegation meeting with South Korean president - Milwaukee Journal Sentinel Mon, August 24, 2009: Cato mentioned in an article by Susanne Rust and Meg Kissinger on bisphenol A: "'Watchdog' advocates for BPA: STATS has links to groups that support deregulation"
- Washington Times Mon, August 24, 2009: Chris Edwards quoted in an article by Amanda Carpenter on Cash for Clunkers: "Dumb program"
- The Lima News (Ohio) Mon, August 24, 2009: Christopher A. Preble quoted in an editorial on the U.S. withdrawal from Iraq's cities: "U.S. should not return to Iraqi cities"
- Al Jazeera ( Mon, August 24, 2009: Juan Carlos Hidalgo quoted in a column on the decriminalization of drugs in Mexico: "Mexico relaxes drug possession laws"