Displaying 139101 - 139125 of 144484
HITN (television), Thu, November 5, 2009 Mark Calabria discusses financial reform on Destination Casa Blanca with Ray Suarez FNC (television), Tue, November 10, 2009 Michael F. Cannon discusses Yelowitz briefing paper on Glenn Beck FNC (television), Tue, November 10, 2009 Jeffrey Miron discusses bailing out newspapers on Glenn Beck Fox Business Network (television), Wed, November 11, 2009 Michael F. Cannon discusses Yelowitz briefing paper on Fox Business with Dagen McDowell and Brian Sullivan - The Independent (U.K.) Wed, November 11, 2009: Glenn Greenwald quoted in an article by Johan Hari on war on drugs: "Accept the facts – and end this futile 'war on drugs'"
- Seattle Weekly Wed, November 11, 2009: Robert A. Levy mentioned in an article by Rick Anderson on the ravages of statism: "Barack & Load"
- Barron's Wed, November 11, 2009: Daniel Griswold authored an op-ed on U.S. trade policy: "What America Makes Best"
WDIS (Boston MA) (radio), Mon, November 16, 2009 Daniel Griswold discusses Mad About Trade on Boston Tea Party with Chuck Morse American Family Radio News (radio), Wed, November 11, 2009 Chris Edwards discusses jobs bill - Politico's Arena Wed, November 11, 2009: Roger Pilon authored a new media post on Fort Hood: "The Fort Hood tragedy: Why does it matter, or not, what we call it? Is it being politicized?"
- Center for Immigration Studies (also appeared in Right Side News) Wed, November 11, 2009: Cato mentioned in an article by Stephen Steinlight on the effects of immigration on the economy: "The Fraudulent Ecclesiastical Mandate of Sen. Schumer's Religious Allies"
VOA (radio), Wed, November 11, 2009 Ian Vasquez discusses Nien Cheng death. - The Grio Wed, November 11, 2009: Christopher A. Preble quoted in an article by Michael Ross on the proposed troop increase in Afghanistan: "In honoring veterans, Obama contemplates future casualties"
- Washington Times Wed, November 11, 2009: Richard W. Rahn authored an op-ed on paper currency: "Currency that kills"
- Wall Street Pit Wed, November 11, 2009: Arnold Kling mentioned in a new media post by Chidem Kurdas on Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac: "Pain in the Fannie"
- The Beacon (Port Clinton, OH) Wed, November 11, 2009: Jim Harper mentioned in a letter by Ronald Mainous on Obama's campaign promises: "Sound Off"
- Reason Magazine Blog Wed, November 11, 2009: Gene Healy quoted in a new media post by Damon Root on Calvin Coolidge: "What Calvin Coolidge Can Teach Barack Obama"
- Power Line Wed, November 11, 2009: Daniel J. Mitchell featured in a new media post on a government takeover of health care: "Pelosicare: Why It's a Budget-Buster"
- Heritage Foundation Blog Wed, November 11, 2009: Cato mentioned in a new media post by Conn Carroll on Kelo v New London: "The Public Uselessness of Crony Capitalism"
- Washington Independent Wed, November 11, 2009: David Boaz mentioned in a new media post by Dave Weigel on the fall of the Berlin Wall: "Conservative Outrage of the Day"
- New York Times (also appeared in International Herald Tribune and Arizona Daily Star) Wed, November 11, 2009: James A. Dorn quoted in an article by William Grimes on Nien Chang: "Nien Cheng, Memoirist, Is Dead at 94"
- Foreign Affairs Wed, November 11, 2009: Johan Norberg's Financial Fiasco featured in a book review by Richard N. Cooper: "The Return of Depression Economics and the Crisis of 2008; Financial Fiasco: How America's Infatuation With Homeownership and Easy Money Created the Economic Crisis"
- Campaign for Liberty Wed, November 11, 2009: Doug Bandow authored an op-ed on Honduras: "Constitutional Crisis in Honduras -- Who Cares?"
- Victorville Daily Press Wed, November 11, 2009: Michael D. Tanner cited in an op-ed by Steve Williams on the health care bill: "Witch's brew"
- Media Matters Wed, November 11, 2009: Michael F. Cannon featured in a new media post on insurance companies: "Worst. Talking. Point. Ever."