Displaying 137351 - 137375 of 144484
- La Cronica de Hoy (Mexico) Thu, January 21, 2010: Cato cited in an article by David Gutiérrez Fuentes on the legal status of street drugs and its consequences: "El país que pone los muertos y el país de la nebulosa"
- Congressional Quarterly Thu, January 21, 2010: Cato mentioned in an article by Emily Cadei on New York congressional race between Republican Richard Hanna and Democrat Michael Arcuri: "Arcuri Faces 2008 Re-Match"
- United Liberty Thu, January 21, 2010: Cato mentioned in a new media post by Jason Pye on the discussion with Gary Johnson: "Cato Institute talks with Gary Johnson"
- Jacksonville Daily News Thu, January 21, 2010: Cato mentioned in a letter by Frank Aviles on bias in newspaper reporting: "The newspaper gives aid, comfort to enemies"
- Zanesville Times Recorder Thu, January 21, 2010: Nat Hentoff authored an op-ed on the Constitution and prisoners in the War on Terror: "Is the U.S. getting rid of laws of war?"
- Fort Wayne News-Sentinel Thu, January 21, 2010: Cato mentioned in an editorial on the high cost and questionable benefits of the Head Start program: "Is Head Start worth $10 billion investment?"
- Xinhua News Service (China) (also appeared in CBC News (Canada)) Thu, January 21, 2010: Daniel Griswold quoted in an article by Zhao Jing on US-China trade relations: "U.S.-China commercial ties profoundly important: expert"
- The Wall Street Journal Thu, January 21, 2010: Michael F. Cannon cited in an editorial on what Massachusetts voters learned from Romney's health care reform: "RomneyCare Revisited"
- Miller-McCune Thu, January 21, 2010: Cato mentioned in a column by Emily Badger on net neutrality: "Is the Net Best Stuck in Neutrality?"
- Carolina Journal Online Thu, January 21, 2010: Michael F. Cannon cited in a column by John Hood on reactions to the proposed health care reform bill: "Adverse Reactions to Reform"
- Thu, January 21, 2010: Michael F. Cannon quoted in an article by Joseph Brownstein on the prospects for the health care reform bill: "Health Care Overhaul's Uncertain, Super-Majority-Free Future"
- Thu, January 21, 2010: Patrick J. Michaels quoted in an article by Gene J. Koprowski on UN claims about melting glaciers: "U.N. Panel's Glacier-Disaster Claims Melting Away"
KTSA (San Antonio TX) (radio), Wed, January 20, 2010 Jeffrey Miron discusses bank taxes on Trey Ware Show Bloomberg (also appeared in Bloomberg Asia) (television), Tue, January 19, 2010 Jim Harper discusses Obama's cyber czar - InstaPundit Wed, January 20, 2010: David Boaz quoted in a new media post by Glenn Reynolds on Scott Brown's victory in Massachusetts: "David Boaz: Brown Revolution"
- InstaPundit Wed, January 20, 2010: David Boaz and John Samples mentioned in a new media post by Glenn Reynolds on the election of Scott Brown in Massachusetts: "This is like Ted Kennedy being elected in Utah"
RT (television), Thu, January 21, 2010 Malou Innocent discusses Afghanistan - Politico's Arena Wed, January 20, 2010: Roger Pilon authored a new media post on Scott Brown's victory: "The message from Massachusetts"
- Politico's Arena Wed, January 20, 2010: Roger Pilon authored a new media post on the possibility of a Republican filibuster of an Obama Supreme Court nominee: "Filibuster Obama Nominees? I’m Shocked!"
- New York Post (NY) (also appeared in Wed, January 20, 2010: Mark Calabria authored an op-ed on Timothy Geithner's penchant for bailouts: "Geithner's lifelong love of bailouts"
- Washington Times (also appeared in Wed, January 20, 2010: Richard W. Rahn authored an op-ed on federal deficits: "Deaf to deficit warnings"
- Wed, January 20, 2010: David Boaz authored an op-ed: "For This Libertarian, Obama's First Year Looks Grim"
- The American Security Project Blog Wed, January 20, 2010: Justin Logan quoted in a new media post by Bernard Finel on Iran's nuclear capability: "Iran and 'the bomb'"
- Grist Magazine Wed, January 20, 2010: A 1995 Cato Policy Analysis and a Cato blog post on Norman Borlaug mentioned in an article by Tom Philpott on industrialized food production
- Big Government Wed, January 20, 2010: Daniel J. Mitchell authored a new media post on the American people's preference for smaller government: "The American People Reject Big Government"