Displaying 135301 - 135325 of 144464
- The Hill Wed, March 31, 2010: Jim Harper quoted in an article by Walter Alarkon on the need for a congressional earmark database: "Advocates: Earmark database needed"
- National Journal Wed, March 31, 2010: Alan Reynolds piece in the Daily Caller excerpted in a roundup of the day’s best opinion pieces: "Pundits & Editorials"
- AOL news Wed, March 31, 2010: David Boaz quoted in an article by Tamara Lytle on the proper role of government: "Health Reform Fuels Fight Over Government's Role"
Antiwar Radio (radio), Thu, April 1, 2010 Malou Innocent discusses Afghanistan and U.S. foreign policy - Cavalier Daily (University of Virginia) Wed, March 31, 2010: Cato mentioned in a column by Megan Stiles on increasing the minimum wage: "More Money, More Problems"
- Libertad Digital (Spain) Wed, March 31, 2010: Cato and Benjamin H. Friedman quoted in an article by Daniel Luna on U.S. debt and military power: "The U.S. military warns: public debt threatens 'global security'"
- Denver Daily News Wed, March 31, 2010: Randal O'Toole quoted in an article by Peter Marcus on high speed rail: "Rail by the numbers"
Compass Media Networks (radio), Tue, March 30, 2010 Neal McCluskey discusses changes to student loans on The Lars Larson Show WSJ Radio (radio), Tue, March 30, 2010 Randal O'Toole discusses driverless cars on Wall Street Journal Tech News Briefing (Syndicated) TRN (radio), Tue, March 30, 2010 Alan Reynolds discusses the cost of Obamacare on The Jerry Doyle Show Fox Business Network (television), Tue, March 30, 2010 Alan Reynolds discusses the cost of Obamacare on Cavuto WTTG (Washington DC) (television), Tue, March 30, 2010 Neal McCluskey discusses student loans on FOX 5 - InstaPundit Wed, March 31, 2010: Cato cited in a new media post by Glenn Reynolds on a trailer for a Cato premiered film: "10 Rules for Dealing with Police"
- Red State Wed, March 31, 2010: PJ O'Rourke cited and Cato mentioned in a new media post on the effects of Obamacare: "The Administration’s Attack on American Business"
- Think Progress Wed, March 31, 2010: Cato mentioned in a new media post on Koch Industries' use of funds: "Koch Industries Outspends Exxon Mobil On Climate Denial"
- Washington Times Wed, March 31, 2010: Richard W. Rahn authored an op-ed on Switzerland's example of low taxes and little corruption: "Learning from what works"
- BNA's Privacy and Security Law Report Wed, March 31, 2010: Jim Harper authored an article on the FTC's Internet privacy policies: "Harm-Based Privacy Protection?"
WTOP (Washington DC) (radio), Wed, March 31, 2010 Cato's research on federal vs. private pay cited
- Arizona Daily Sun Wed, March 31, 2010: Nat Hentoff authored a column on the McCain-Lieberman bill on terrorism prosecution: "McCain channeling Dick Cheney"
- Foreign Policy Blog Wed, March 31, 2010: Justin Logan cited in a new media post by Daniel W. Drezner on why Islamic terrorists target the United States: "Are Pop Tarts bad for America?"
- Foreign Policy Wed, March 31, 2010: Justin Logan cited in a column by Daniel W. Drezner on the impact of U.S. pop culture on foreign policy: "Are Pop Tarts bad for America?"
- Reason Magazine Blog Wed, March 31, 2010: Deepak Lal mentioned in a new media post by Michael C. Moynihan on the former British Empire: "British Imperialism Is Absolutely Fabulous!"
- John Stossel Wed, March 31, 2010: Jerry Taylor cited in a new media post by John Stossel on Obama and offshore drilling: "The Real Reason We Should Drill"
KTRH (Houston TX) (radio), Wed, March 31, 2010 Michael F. Cannon discusses Obamacare WGUF (Naples FL) (radio), Wed, April 14, 2010 Robert A. Levy discusses lawsuits challenging Obamacare on Bob Harden's Morning Edition