Displaying 135176 - 135200 of 144464
- Volokh Conspiracy Tue, April 6, 2010: A Cato Unbound essay by Glen Whitman cited in a new media post by Eugene Volokh: "The Rise of the New Paternalism"
- Say Educate Tue, April 6, 2010: Cato cited in a new media post by Matthew C. Keegan on the constitutionality of Obamacare: "Does ObamaCare Trample The Constitution"
- ChicagoNow (IL) Tue, April 6, 2010: Randal O'Toole mentioned in a new media post by Ted Rosenbaum on public transit: "The Straight Dope: Crooked on Transit"
- Agence France Presse Mon, April 5, 2010: Doug Bandow quoted in an article by Tangi Quemener on the new U.S.-Russia nuclear pact: "Nuclear pact to boost Obama's moral authority"
- Washington Post Mon, April 5, 2010: Events calendar notes Cato book forum for The Beijing Consensus: How China's Authoritarian Model Will Dominate the Twenty-First Century
- St. Louis Post-Dispatch Mon, April 5, 2010: Cato mentioned as a recommended donation in John B. Marshall Jr.'s obituary: "Marshall, John B. Jr. died in Sun City"
- World Net Daily Mon, April 5, 2010: Cato mentioned in a column by Jerome Corsi on public employee pensions: "America's future? U.S. cities going bust"
- St. Petersburg Times Mon, April 5, 2010: Michael Tanner cited in an opinion roundup on Obamacare: "Experts on how the health care law will affect you"
- Libertad Digital (Spain) Mon, April 5, 2010: Daniel J. Ikenson authored an article on China's currency: "¿Es China la culpable del déficit de EEUU?"
- Wall Street Journal Mon, April 5, 2010: Daniel J. Ikenson authored an op-ed on the economic costs of trade sanctions on Chinese imports: "China Trade and American Jobs"
- Wall Street Journal Mon, April 5, 2010: Andrew J. Coulson authored an op-ed on free market education reform: "Escalante Stood and Delivered. It's Our Turn."
- National Review Blog Mon, April 5, 2010: Alan Reynolds cited in a new media post by Jeb Hensarling on a proposed constitutional spending limit: "Back and Forth on the Spending Limit Amendmen"
- Tenth Amendment Center Mon, April 5, 2010: A Cato event on conservatives and the war in Afghanistan was featured in a new media post by Michael Boldin: "GOP Congressmen Admit Most Republicans Think Iraq War Was a Mistake"
- The Redding Record Searchlight Mon, April 5, 2010: Cato mentioned in a new media post by Doug Craig on the American Enterprise Institute and climate change: "The AEI and Geoengineering"
- InstaPundit Mon, April 5, 2010: David Boaz featured in a new media post by Glenn Reynolds on regulation and the 'knowledge problem': "David Boaz responds to my Washington Examiner column"
- Pittsburg Tribune-Review Mon, April 5, 2010: Adam B. Schaeffer cited in a column by Colin McNickle on public versus private school spending: "Execrable, sciolistic & maggoty"
- Human Events Online Mon, April 5, 2010: Cato mentioned in an op-ed by Mark Skousen on Karl Rove's new memoir: "Karl Rove Living In Denial?"
- Philadelphia Inquirer Mon, April 5, 2010: Cato cited in a column by Reid Kanaley on Social Security: "Web Wealth: Social Insecurity"
- National Review Blog Mon, April 5, 2010: Ilya Shapiro featured in a new media post by Michael Cannon on the constitutionality of Obamacare:"Cato Scholar: I’ll Defend the Constitution from Obamacare Anytime, Anywhere"
- National Journal Blog Mon, April 5, 2010: A Cato Book Forum for 'The Beijing Consensus' mentioned in a list of upcoming events:"Outlook: Many Nuclear Options"
- School Reform News Mon, April 5, 2010: Andrew J. Coulson quoted in an article by Ben Boychuk on school choice: "Report: Government Should Offer Range of School Choices"
- School Reform News Mon, April 5, 2010: Andrew J. Coulson quoted in an article by Jim Waters on Race to the Top finalists: "Race to the Top Finalists Announced, Some Reforms Ignored"
- School Reform News Mon, April 5, 2010: Neal McCluskey quoted in an article by Lindsey Burke on education standards: "Obama Admin. Outlines Vision for ESEA Reauthorization"
- School Reform News Mon, April 5, 2010: Neal McCluskey quoted in an article by Jomaire Crawford on Connecticut's application for Race to the Top: "Connecticut Misses First Cut in Race to the Top"
- School Reform News Mon, April 5, 2010: Neal McCluskey quoted in an article by Sarah McIntosh on spying on students: "Lawsuit: Pennsylvania School Spied on Students"