Displaying 134951 - 134975 of 144464
BBC News (television), Tue, April 13, 2010 Justin Logan discusses the Nuclear Security Summit - (Indianapolis IN) Tue, April 13, 2010: Alan Reynolds quoted in an article by Jim Angle on tax increases: "Tax increases on the horizon for some Americans"
- (also appeared in Christian Science Monitor) Tue, April 13, 2010: Roger Pilon authored an op-ed on Justice Stevens's retirement: "The Constitution and Justice Stevens"
- Washington Examiner Tue, April 13, 2010: Gene Healy authored a column on Governor Christie's spending cuts: "New Jersey governor takes on debt-ridden state’s ‘situation’"
- InstaPundit Tue, April 13, 2010: David Rittgers cited in a new media post by Glenn Reynolds on the beating of a University of Maryland student: "More on the importance of ubiquitous video cameras."
- The Monkey Cage Tue, April 13, 2010: Justin Logan cited in a new media post by John Sides on Adam Berinsky’s book 'In Time of War': "Partisan Identity and Foreign Policy"
Bloomberg (radio), Tue, April 13, 2010 James A. Dorn discusses U.S.-China relations and the nuclear security summit on The Hays Advantage Compass Media Networks (television), Fri, April 9, 2010 Ilya Shapiro discusses Stevens retirement on The Lars Larson Show - MRC NewsBusters Tue, April 13, 2010: Michael D. Tanner quoted in a new media post by Jeff Poor on Obamacare and the welfare state: "CNBC's Quick Rips ObamaCare: 'At Some Point You Need to Take Responsibility for Yourself'"
FNC (television), Mon, April 12, 2010 Chris Edwards discusses downsizing the president's budget on Glenn Beck CNBC (television), Tue, April 13, 2010 Daniel J. Mitchell discusses new taxes on Wall Street on Power Lunch - Foreign Policy Blogs Tue, April 13, 2010: 2010 Milton Friedman Prize winner Akbar Ganji featured in a new media post by Sahar Zubairy: "And the Winner is…"
- Independent Women's Forum Tue, April 13, 2010: Cato cited in a new media post by Nicole Kurokawa on the 2010 Milton Friedman Prize winner Akbar Ganji: "A Champion of Freedom"
- American Conservative Blog Tue, April 13, 2010: A Cato Institute forum on conservatives and the war in Afghanistan cited in a new media post by Daniel Larison: "Iraq, Republicans and Conservatives"
- Tue, April 13, 2010: Tad DeHaven cited in a new media post on cutting government spending: "Best of the Blogs: Cutting Spending in a Recession"
- InstaPundit Tue, April 13, 2010: Marian L. Tupy cited in a new media post by Glenn Reynolds on the International Monetary Fund's policies: "Cato: Did the IMF Deliberately Exaggerate the 2008 Financial Crisis?"
- Bloomberg Wire Tue, April 13, 2010: Edward H. Crane quoted in an article on the 2010 Milton Friedman Prize winner Akbar Ganji: "Iranian writer Akbar Ganji wins Milton Friedman Prize"
- Tue, April 13, 2010: Justin Logan quoted in an article by Judson Berger on nuclear fuel dumping in the U.S.: "U.S. a Popular Destination for the World's Unwanted Nuclear Supply"
Al Jazeera (television), Tue, April 13, 2010 Justin Logan discusses the nuclear summit - NCPA Tue, April 13, 2010: Doug Bandow's op-ed, "Tax Freedom Day: Real or Imagined?" featured: "Taxes"
- Investor's Business Daily (also appeared in Washington Times) Tue, April 13, 2010: Doug Bandow authored an op-ed on Tax Freedom Day: "Tax Freedom Day: Real Or Imagined?"
- Real Clear World Tue, April 13, 2010: Justin Logan cited in a column by Greg Scoblete on the economy's impact on U.S. foreign policy: "Will an Economic Rebound Alter U.S. Foreign Policy?"
- American Conservative Tue, April 13, 2010: Justin Logan cited in a column by Daniel Larison on Conservatives' views on war: "Iraq, Republicans and Conservatives"
- Business & Media Institute Tue, April 13, 2010: Michael D. Tanner cited in an article by Jeff Poor on health care coverage on parents' policies under Obamacare: "CNBC's Quick Rips ObamaCare: 'At Some Point You Need to Take Responsibility for Yourself'"
- CA Independent Voter Network Tue, April 13, 2010: Cato mentioned in an article by Ryan Jaroncyk on a Coffee Party panel on partisanship: "Coffee Party to counter tax day tea party with softer approach"