Displaying 134626 - 134650 of 144404
- Huffington Post Thu, April 22, 2010: Cato mentioned in an op-ed by Sen. Fritz Hollings on replacing the corporate income tax with the VAT: "Replace the Corporate Income Tax!"
- Right Side News Thu, April 22, 2010: Gerald P. O'Driscoll's WSJ op-ed on free markets and crony capitalism featured in an article: "Cato Blasts Mercantilism"
- Thu, April 22, 2010: Cato's Economic Freedom of the World Report cited in a new media post by Johnathan Pearce on the relationship between the size of government and prosperity: "A seeming contradiction"
- Eurasia Review Thu, April 22, 2010: Cato mentioned in an op-ed by Ivan Eland on U.S. involvement in Middle East peace: "Should U.S. Be More Involved In Israeli-Palestinian ‘Peace Process’?"
- Reason Magazine Blog Thu, April 22, 2010: Gerald P. O'Driscoll featured in a new media post by Nick Gillespie on government's role in the markets: "An Economy of Liars"
- Thu, April 22, 2010: Neal McCluskey cited in a new media post by Walter Olson on new Title IX requirements on universities: "Title IX sports enforcement"
- San Jose College Times Thu, April 22, 2010: Michael F. Cannon and Cato cited in an article by Charles Becker on the effects of the health care bill: "Health care matters to students"
- Queerty Thu, April 22, 2010: Julian Sanchez cited in a new media post on the handling of questions about the current U.S. Solicitor General's sexuality: "Well Here's One Way the White House Could've Handled Elena Kagan's Sexuality Speculation"
- Diario de America (USA) Thu, April 22, 2010: Chris Edwards mentioned in an article on Glenn Beck Program: "Glenn Beck: un ejemplo a seguir"
- El Diario Exterior (Spain) Thu, April 22, 2010: David Boaz authored an op-ed on slavery: "EE.UU.: Más libres desde que se acabó la esclavitud"
- National Review Online Wed, April 21, 2010: Alan Reynolds authored an op-ed on the SEC lawsuit against Goldman Sachs: "Legislation by Demonology"
- Washington Times (also appeared in Wed, April 21, 2010: Richard W. Rahn authored an op-ed on on U.S. versus Argentine economic policy: "Could the U.S. Become Argentina?"
CNBC (television), Wed, April 21, 2010 Daniel J. Mitchell discusses unemployment benefits on Squawk on the Street - SCOTUS Blog Wed, April 21, 2010: Ilya Shapiro cited in a new media post by Erin Miller on a Supreme Court case on free speech and animal cruelty: "Wednesday round-up"
- InstaPundit Wed, April 21, 2010: Tad DeHaven cited in a new media post by Glenn Reynolds on Obama's lending policies: "Obama's Fannie and Freddie Amnesia."
- InstaPundit Wed, April 21, 2010: Tad DeHaven cited in a new media post on reasons for Fannie and Freddie's collapse: "Obama's Fannie and Freddie Amnesia"
- The Hill's Congress Blog Wed, April 21, 2010: Daniel Griswold authored a new media post on immigration reform: "The Big Question: Should Dems push immigration reform?"
- The Hill's Congress Blog Wed, April 21, 2010: Daniel Griswold authored a new media post on immigration reform: "The Big Question: Should Dems push immigration reform?"
- Reason Magazine Blog Wed, April 21, 2010: Cato mentioned in a new media post by Jacob Sullum on the Christian Legal Society's challenge to an anti-discrimination policy: "Private Free Speech or Official Discrimination?"
- Stars and Stripes Wed, April 21, 2010: Malou Innocent quoted in an article by Leo Shane III on civilian deaths in Afghanistan: "Continuing civilian toll in Afghanistan poses dilemma for U.S."
- Cypress Times Wed, April 21, 2010: Randal O'Toole featured in an article by Jeremy Davis on an event on rail transit: "'Flaws of Transportation and Market Based Remedies' to be Topic at Special HPRA Presentation"
- Right Side News Wed, April 21, 2010: Tucker Carlson and Cato cited in a column by Cliff Kincaid on libertarian viewpoints in media: "Beck Should Probe the Progressive Libertarians"
- Korea Times Wed, April 21, 2010: Cato mentioned in an op-ed by Casey Lartigue Jr. on Earth Day: "Happy Earth Day! And Please, Live,"
- Orange County Register Wed, April 21, 2010: Daniel Griswold quoted in an editorial on the Icelandic volcano's impact on international trade: "Ashy pall over commerce"
- Daily Markets Wed, April 21, 2010: Doug Bandow featured in a new media post by Michael Panzner: "Coincidence, Campaign, Or Meme?"