Displaying 134501 - 134525 of 144464
- Reason Blogs Thu, April 29, 2010: Daniel Griswold cited in a new media post by Damon W. Root on effects of the new Arizona immigration law: "L.A. Times: "Thank you, Arizona""
- Media Research Center Thu, April 29, 2010: Julian Sanchez cited in an article by Clay Waters on media coverage of the 'epistemic closure' debate: "Times Jumps on Arcane Debate About Closed-Minded Conservatives"
- Big Government Thu, April 29, 2010: Chris Edwards cited in a new media post on an IRS mandate in the health care reform legislation: "Cato: Costly IRS Mandate Slipped into Health Bill"
- National Review Blogs Thu, April 29, 2010: Mark K. Moller cited in a new media post by Carrie Lukas on the requirements for filiing a class-action suit: "The Class-Action Lawsuit against Wal-Mart"
- InstaPundit Thu, April 29, 2010: Cato featured in a new media post on the Tea Party movement: "From Cato: Advice to Tea Parties"
- Red State Thu, April 29, 2010: Cato's past 'A' rating of former Governor Crist's fiscal policies mentioned in a new media post by Erick Erickson: "NRSC Endorsed Charlie Crist Bolts the GOP. Won’t Give Back Donor Dollars."
- Wall Street Journal Thu, April 29, 2010: Cato cited in an op-ed by A. Gary Shilling on labor costs: "How to Tackle Government Labor Costs"
- Fire Dog Lake Thu, April 29, 2010: Cato cited in a new media post on Social Security reform: "The Money You’ve Contributed to Social Security Is Real Money No Matter What Fiscal Hawks Claim"
KFYR (Bismarck ND) (television), Thu, April 29, 2010 Michael D. Tanner mentioned regarding health care on Country Morning - Daily Caller Thu, April 29, 2010: Alan Reynolds authored an op-ed on Obama's rhetoric on financial reform: "Obama stumbled on Wall Street"
- Christian Science Monitor (also appeared in Adam Smith Institute Blog) Wed, April 28, 2010: Cato cited in a new media post by Nikhil Arora on education spending: "No correlation between education funding and student performance"
- Economist Online Wed, April 28, 2010: Arnold Kling featured in a column on lending practices: "Predatory lending"
Radio Francia Internacional (radio), Wed, April 28, 2010 Juan Carlos Hidalgo discusses Spain’s fiscal woes - New York Times Online Wed, April 28, 2010: Arnold Kling authored an op-ed on the regulation of collateralized debt obligations: "Innovations Aren’t the Problem"
KSCO (Santa Cruz CA) (radio), Thu, April 29, 2010 David Boaz discusses Milton Friedman award on What's Left? - Washington Post Wed, April 28, 2010: Arnold Kling cited in a column by Ezra Klein on financial reform: "Republicans and Democrats agree on financial reform -- but is that a good thing?"
- Wall Street Journal Europe Wed, April 28, 2010: Marian L. Tupy cited in a letter by Oliver Buston on his op-ed on foreign aid to Africa: "Aiding Africa"
- Huffington Post Wed, April 28, 2010: Benjamin H. Friedman and Christopher A. Preble mentioned in an article by Dan Froomkin on Barney Frank's commission to reduce military spending: "Deficit Group Formed By Barney Frank Looks Where Others Dare Not -- At Defense Budget"
- Wall Street Journal Wed, April 28, 2010: Gerald P. O'Driscoll cited in letters by Oliver Buston and Rodger Jump on his op-ed on crony capitalism: "Crony Capitalism Is the Enemy of Truly Free Markets "
- National Review Blogs Wed, April 28, 2010: Chris Edwards featured in a new media post by Veronique de Rugy on an IRS mandate in the health care reform legislation: "More IRS Forms, Thanks to the Health-Care Bill"
- Associated Press Wed, April 28, 2010: Michael D. Tanner cited in an article on the impact of the health care law: "Analysts: Health care bill's impact uncertain"
- Chattanoogan Wed, April 28, 2010: Cato cited in an article on Mike Huckabee's campaign for Chuck Fleischmann: "Smith Campaign Poses '7 Questions For Huck and Chuck'"
- Village Voice Wed, April 28, 2010: Nat Hentoff authored an op-ed on Mayor Bloomberg's education policy: "Education Mayor Bloomberg Called Out"
- Wed, April 28, 2010: Chris Edwards cited in an article on changes to business accounting rules under the health care law: "Costly changes to 1099 reporting in health care law"
C-SPAN (television), Wed, April 28, 2010 Book TV covered capitol hill briefing: Struggle to Limit Government featuring Rep. James Sensenbrenner