Displaying 134501 - 134525 of 144404
- InstaPundit Tue, April 27, 2010: Mark Calabria featured in a new media post on Senator Dodd's financial reform plan: "Shocker: Chris Dodd’s Carve-Out For Cronies."
- Washington Times Tue, April 27, 2010: Doug Bandow authored a book review on Nicholas Eberstadt's book entitled 'Policy and Economic Performance in Divided Korea during the Cold War Era: 1945-91': "'Guns over butter' in North Korea"
WBAL (Baltimore MD) (radio), Tue, April 27, 2010 Mark Calabria discusses financial regulation reform on The Ron Smith Show WHAS (Louisville KY) (radio), Tue, April 27, 2010 Daniel Griswold discusses Arizona's immigration law KTRH (Houston TX) (radio), Tue, April 27, 2010 Daniel Griswold discusses Arizona's immigration law on Morning News With Lana Hughes and J.P. Pritchard - Washington Times Tue, April 27, 2010: Cato cited in an op-ed by Steve Deace on Iowa Governor Terry Branstad: "Branstad barnstorms again"
- New American Tue, April 27, 2010: Cato cited in an article by Joe Wolverton II on American troops on call to serve as a domestic police force: "American Military Unit Set to Impose Order in American Towns in Time for November Elections"
- Overlawyered Tue, April 27, 2010: Jim Harper featured in a new media post by Walter Olson on a Cyber Privacy Act proposed in Congress: "Bad new idea dept.: privacy takedowns"
- Register (UK) Tue, April 27, 2010: Jim Harper cited in a column by Andrew Orlowski on cyber privacy and Internet regulation: "Should you own your own data?"
- InstaPundit Tue, April 27, 2010: John Samples' book 'The Struggle to Limit Government' featured in a new media post: "In the Mail From John Samples"
- Huffington Post Tue, April 27, 2010: Juan Carlos Hidalgo cited in an op-ed by Ray Suarez on illegal immigrants: "Immigration Reform"
- Atlas Sound Money Project Tue, April 27, 2010: The Cato premiere of the film 'Overdose' hosted by Johan Norberg featured in a new media post by Marius Gustavson: "Overdose – Documentary on the Financial Crisis"
- Neal Boortz Tue, April 27, 2010: Chris Edwards cited in a new media post by Neal Boortz on an IRS mandate in the health care reform legislation: "Reading Assignments"
- Daily Caller Tue, April 27, 2010: John Samples authored an op-ed on Congress's legislative response to the Citizens United ruling: "DISCLOSE will chill speech"
- Washington Times Tue, April 27, 2010: Daniel Griswold authored an op-ed on Obama's 'National Export Initiative': "A free-market '5-year plan' to boost U.S. exports"
- Tue, April 27, 2010: Neal McCluskey cited in a new media post on federal spending on education: "The sky is falling"
- Washington Examiner Tue, April 27, 2010: Gene Healy authored a column on the FDA's plan to regulate sodium intake: "The coming low-sodium dystopia"
WFLF (Panama City FL) (radio), Tue, April 27, 2010 Daniel Griswold discusses Arizona's immigration law - Philadelphia Inquirer (also appeared in Tue, April 27, 2010: Daniel Griswold authored an op-ed on legalizing immigrants: "U.S. needs to let more workers in"
- Investor's Business Daily Tue, April 27, 2010: Chris Edwards quoted in an article by Scott Stoddard on ending the stimulus: "Looming Big Fiscal Tightening Will Complicate Fed's Exit Plans"
- Christian Science Monitor Tue, April 27, 2010: Chris Edwards cited in a column by David R. Francis on public versus private sector pay: "Want a balanced federal budget? Cut state workers' pay."
- The Atlantic Blogs Tue, April 27, 2010: Jim Harper cited in a new media post on an online privacy bill proposed by Senator Chuck Schumer: "Reining In Facebook"
- Sarah Palin (Facebook) Mon, April 26, 2010: Gerald P. O'Driscoll's Wall Street Journal Op-ed on government and business collusion cited: "Institutionalizing Crony Capitalism"
- LaCrosse Tribune (Wisconsin) Mon, April 26, 2010: Chris Edwards cited in a column by Vickie Burke on the correlation between tax cuts and job creation: "Lower-taxes-more-jobs mantra is deceiving"
- Financial Times (Germany) Mon, April 26, 2010: Marian L. Tupy authored an op-ed on the Slovak negative income tax: "Liberalismus lebt – in Osteuropa"