Displaying 134501 - 134525 of 143008
KTLK (Minneapolis MN) (radio), Tue, March 9, 2010 David Rittgers discusses drones on The Jason Lewis Show WTOP (Washington DC) (radio), Tue, March 9, 2010 David Rittgers discusses the use of drones in Afghanistan KFTK (St Louis MO) (radio), Tue, March 9, 2010 Neal McCluskey discusses textbook politics over creationism on Allman in the Morning WOAI (San Antonio TX) (radio), Tue, March 9, 2010 Neal McCluskey discusses textbook politics over creationism WRVA (Richmond VA) (radio), Wed, March 10, 2010 Neal McCluskey discusses SAFRA on Richmond's Morning News with Jimmy Barrett VOA Serbian Service (International) (television), Wed, March 3, 2010 Christopher A. Preble discusses Afghanistan RT (television), Tue, March 9, 2010 Jim Harper discusses biometric cards on Russia Today - The Atlantic Wed, March 10, 2010: Alan Reynolds featured in an article by Derek Thompson on the effects of the stimulus package on employment: "'Our Stimulus is Making the Unemployment Rate Higher'"
- Washington Post Wed, March 10, 2010: Leon T. Hadar quoted in an article by Patricia Sullivan on the death of an Israeli spy: "David Kimche dies; Israeli spy involved in Iran-contra scandal"
Pacifica Radio (radio), Wed, March 10, 2010 Malou Innocent discusses Rep. Kucinich's resolution on Afghanistan - Hot Air Wed, March 10, 2010: Alan Reynolds cited in a new media post by Ed Morrissey on health insurance premiums: "Durbin: Of course premiums will still go up with ObamaCare"
- Huffington Post Wed, March 10, 2010: Malou Innocent authored an op-ed on the Republican Party and troops in Afghanistan: "Message to Republicans: Stop Hiding Behind the Troops"
- InstaPundit Wed, March 10, 2010: Jim Harper cited in a new media post by Glenn Reynolds on national ID cards: "Your Papers, Please"
CNBC (television), Tue, March 9, 2010 Chris Edwards mentioned regarding federal tax and budget on Kudlow Report - 365Gay Wed, March 10, 2010: Cato mentioned in a new media post by James Withers on gays and conservatives: "NOM has gay support but refuses to talk about it"
- Wed, March 10, 2010: David Rittgers quoted in an article by J.J. Green on the use of military drones: "Collateral damage 'acceptable' when terrorists targeted"
- Reason Hit and Run Wed, March 10, 2010: Roger Pilon quoted in a column by Peter Suderman on a way to possibly circumvent federal insurance mandates: "Can States Say "No Thanks" to ObamaCare's Health Insurance Mandate?"
- Bloomberg Wed, March 10, 2010: Chris Edwards quoted in an article by Terrence Dopp on New Jersey's budget woes: "N.J.’s Christie Says Layoffs Out for Cutting Budget"
- Washington Times Wed, March 10, 2010: Richard W. Rahn authored an op-ed on Obama's advisors and the deficit: "All the president's economists"
- Wed, March 10, 2010: Edward L. Hudgins quoted in an article by Steve Centanni on NASA's goals: "Obama's New Mission for NASA Sets Off Intense Criticism"
- Daily Illini (IL) Wed, March 10, 2010: Michael D. Tanner featured in an article by Makoto Miyazaki on an upcoming debate on health care at the University of Illinois: "Experts debate health care reform"
- El Economista (Mexico) Wed, March 10, 2010: Ian Vasquez quoted in an article by Yolanda Morales Quiroga on the Chilean earthquake: "El modelo chileno está intacto"
- Politico Wed, March 10, 2010: Malou Innocent authored an op-ed on Dennis Kucinich's bill for pullout from Afghanistan: "Leaving Afghanistan moves beyond left vs. right"
- El Universo (Ecuador) Wed, March 10, 2010: Gabriela Calderon authored an op-ed on Orlando Zapata: "Los Zapatas del futuro"
WBAL (Baltimore MD) (radio), Tue, March 9, 2010 Adam B. Schaeffer discusses education spending on The Ron Smith Show