Displaying 134301 - 134325 of 144464
- Daily Caller Thu, May 6, 2010: Cato cited in an op-ed by Ron Bachman on the costs of Obamacare: "Obamacare taxes the poor at 100 percent"
NTN24 (Colombia) (television), Thu, May 6, 2010 Ilya Shapiro discusses revoking citizenship for naturalized terrorist CTV News (Canada) (television), Thu, May 6, 2010 Patrick Basham discusses U.K. election results (online video), Wed, May 5, 2010 Juan Carlos Hidalgo discusses drug violence in Mexico WSPD (Toledo OH) (radio), Wed, May 5, 2010 Daniel Griswold discusses Arizona's immigration law on The Brian Wilson Show KOGO (San Diego CA) (radio), Wed, May 5, 2010 David Rittgers discusses his Politico op-ed on Chip Franklin Mornings (San Diego CA) WIBA (Madison WI) (radio), Wed, May 5, 2010 Michael D. Tanner discusses Obamacare on Upfront with Vicki McKenna - Deseret Morning News Thu, May 6, 2010: Cato mentioned in an article by Lee Davidson on Sen. Orrin Hatch's meeting with President Obama on Supreme Court nominees: "Hatch meets with Obama over potential Supreme Court nominees, then blasts him"
- Washington Examiner Thu, May 6, 2010: Cato cited in a letter by Paaqua Grant on immigration reform's impact on the economy: "Letters from Readers - May 6, 2010"
- Detroit News (also appeared in Orange County Register) Thu, May 6, 2010: Michael D. Tanner authored an op-ed on the costs of Obamacare: "Obamacare promises already busted"
- Postal Employee Network Thu, May 6, 2010: Tad DeHaven's Cato @ liberty blog post on USPS 'automation refugees': "Today's Postal News"
CSPAN2 (television), Thu, May 6, 2010 Jim Harper quoted by Nebraska Sen. Mike Johanns on privacy implications of the Dodd bill
- National Review Blogs Thu, May 6, 2010: Tad DeHaven cited in a new media post by Reihan Salam on Government-Sponsored Enterprises: "Annie Lowrey on Fixing the GSEs"
- Bulletin (Philadelphia PA) Thu, May 6, 2010: Tad DeHaven quoted in an op-ed by Michael J. Nerozzi on press-release strategy: "Rendell’s 'Press-Release Economics'"
BBC Radio (radio), Fri, May 7, 2010 Patrick Basham discusses the UK election post-mortem on Newshour BBC Radio (radio), Thu, May 6, 2010 Patrick Basham discusses the American reaction to the UK election - TIME Thu, May 6, 2010: Cato mentioned in an article by Bobby Ghosh on the Pakastani terrorist threat: "Beyond Times Square: The Growing Threat from Pakistan"
- Think Tanked Thu, May 6, 2010: Patrick J. Michaels authored a new media post on an idea for investigating the BP oil rig disaster: "On That BP Disaster Independent Commission"
- John Locke Foundation Blog Thu, May 6, 2010: Randal O'Toole mentioned in a new media post by Donna Martinez on a proposed rail and bus station in North Carolina: "Raleigh Considers $212 Million Transit Center"
- Above the Law Thu, May 6, 2010: Walter Olson mentioned in a new media post by David Lat and Elie Mystal on Olson's new position at Cato: "Non-Sequiturs: 05.05.10"
- New American Thu, May 6, 2010: Michael D. Tanner featured in a new media post by Mary McHugh on one of Tanner's op-eds in the Orange County Register: "Obamacare According to CATO"
- Bluegrass Policy Blog Thu, May 6, 2010: Adam B. Schaeffer featured in a new media post by Logan Morford on public school spending: "Cato study on the real cost of public schools"
- Pajama Pundit Thu, May 6, 2010: John Samples featured in a new media post on the Tea Party movement: "Advice For The Tea Party"
- Thu, May 6, 2010: Walter Olson featured and Tim Lynch, Ilya Shapiro and Robert A. Levy mentioned in an article by Chris Rizo on Olson's start as a senior fellow at Cato: "Tort reform 'godfather' moves to the Cato Institute; Class-action crusader joins Manhattan Institute"
- Internet Law Resources Thu, May 6, 2010: Chris Edwards cited in a new media post by Mike Young on an IRS mandate in the health care reform legislation: "1099 Tax Forms Hell: New IRS Mandate For Your Business"