Displaying 134126 - 134150 of 144464
- Big Government Wed, May 12, 2010: John Samples featured in a new media post by Mytheos Holt on Samples' advice to Tea Party activists: "Cato Scholar to Tea Party: Beware of GOP, Avoid Social Issues"
- Wed, May 12, 2010: David Boaz authored an article by Ke Yuqian on Elena Kagan's nomination to the Supreme Court: "U.S. Supreme Court ideology materials remain "intact""
WBAL (Baltimore MD) (radio), Wed, May 12, 2010 Michael F. Cannon discusses health care referedums on The C4 Show WIBA (Madison WI) (radio), Tue, May 11, 2010 Adam B. Schaeffer discusses Florida's tax credit program on Upfront with Vicki McKenna KIRO (Seattle WA) (radio), Mon, May 10, 2010 Ilya Shapiro discusses Kagan's Supreme Court nomination on Northwest Nights with Frank Shiers - Reason Magazine Blogs Wed, May 12, 2010: David Boaz featured in a new media post by Matt Welch on Obama's new drug treatment and prevention proposals: "Obama Drug Policy: No Surprises, Lots of Alarms"
- Wed, May 12, 2010: Stanley Kober authored an op-ed on the possibility of war in Iran: "Guns of August in the Middle East?"
- Washington Examiner Blogs Wed, May 12, 2010: Michael F. Cannon featured in a new media post by Mark Hemingway on the state attorneys general lawsuit against 'Obamacare': "NYT: State AGs lawsuit could end up ‘eviscerating’ Obamacare"
- International News (Pakistan) Wed, May 12, 2010: David Rittgers cited in an article by Mosharraf Zaidi on the use of drones: "The consensus about the drones—II"
WBAL (Baltimore MD) (radio), Wed, May 12, 2010 Patrick J. Michaels discusses Kerry's climate change bill on The Ron Smith Show WBAL (Baltimore MD) (radio), Wed, May 12, 2010 Patrick J. Michaels discusses Kerry's climate change bill on The Ron Smith Show - Real Clear World Wed, May 12, 2010: Benjamin H. Friedman featured in a new media post on the U.S. defense budget: "The Real Obama Defense Budge"
- Forbes Magazine Blogs Wed, May 12, 2010: Daniel J. Mitchell authored a new media post on unemployment benefits and their resulting incentives: "Shocking News: People Are Less Likely to Work When The Government Subsidizes Joblessness"
Russia Today en Español (television), Wed, May 12, 2010 Juan Carlos Hidalgo discusses the meeting of the Council of the Americas VOA Serbia (television), Thu, May 13, 2010 Christopher A. Preble discusses U.S. foreign policy and Afghanistan - Metropolitan News-Enterprise (California) Wed, May 12, 2010: Cato cited in an op-ed by Jon Coupal on public school spending in Los Angeles: "Los Angeles School Bureaucrats Take Advantage of Hard Times"
- CNET News Wed, May 12, 2010: Jim Harper quoted in an article by Declan McCullagh on 'net neutrality' and telecoms: "'Secret' telecom anti-Net neutrality plan isn't"
- Wed, May 12, 2010: A video of an episode of 'Stossel' featuring David Boaz and Jeffrey Miron appeared in a new media post: "Stossel – What Is A Libertarian? – Part 5"
- Wed, May 12, 2010: Chris Edwards quoted in a new media post by Matthew Amster-Burton on tax free savings accounts in Canada: "For a Better Savings Account, Look Up To Canada"
- Forbes Wed, May 12, 2010: Ilya Somin authored an op-ed on Elena Kagan's views of law: "Don't Dismiss Elena Kagan"
- Forbes Wed, May 12, 2010: Jagadeesh Gokhale authored an op-ed on the EU's bailout package: "The E.U.'s Aggressive Bailout Plan"
- Christian Science Monitor Wed, May 12, 2010: Malou Innocent featured in a letter by Steve Jozefczyk on the war in Afghanistan: "Letters to the Editor - Weekly edition May 5, 2010"
- Wed, May 12, 2010: Cato cited in an article by Matthew Quinn on Elena Kagan's stance on business issues: "Business Groups Mum on Kagan"
- Lew Rockwell Blog Wed, May 12, 2010: Ilya Shapiro cited in a new media post on a Senate bill to strip terrorist suspects of citizenship: "The Burgeoning US Police State"
BBC (radio), Tue, May 11, 2010 Patrick Basham discusses minority governments around the world on Up All Night