Displaying 132726 - 132750 of 144464
- New York Post (NY) (also appeared in Thu, July 1, 2010: Michael D. Tanner authored an op-ed on Kagan's views on the Commerce Clause: "Elena's Nanny State"
Savage Nation (radio), Mon, July 5, 2010 Michael D. Tanner discusses his New York Post op-ed on Elena Kagan and the Commerce Clause - InstaPundit Thu, July 1, 2010: Ilya Shapiro mentioned in a new media post by Glenn Reynolds on Arlen Specter's questions for Elena Kagan: "Will Specter Vote against Kagan"
- Bloomberg Thu, July 1, 2010: Mark Calabria quoted in an article by Alison Vekshin and Phil Mattingly on the financial regulation bill: "U.S. Regulatory Bill’s Support May Weaken as Senate Delays Vote"
Westwood One (radio), Wed, June 30, 2010 Mark Calabria discusses financial regulation and the use of TARP money on Fred Thompson Show BBC Arabic (television), Thu, July 1, 2010 Malou Innocent discusses the Taliban ruling out negotiations with NATO Fox Business Network (television), Thu, July 1, 2010 Michael F. Cannon discusses the implementation of Obamacare on Bulls & Bears - SCOTUS Blog Thu, July 1, 2010: Ilya Shapiro mentioned in a new media post by Anna Christensen on Kagan's nomination hearings: "Thursday Round-up"
- AOL news Thu, July 1, 2010: John Samples cited in a column by David Sessions on DC fundraiser protests: "Protesters Dressed as Founding Fathers Crash D.C. Fundraisers"
- South Coast Today (MA) Thu, July 1, 2010: Benjamin H. Friedman authored an op-ed on Barney Frank's efforts to cut military spending: "Frank deserves credit for push to cut defense spending"
- Bloomberg Thu, July 1, 2010: Mark Calabria cited in an article by Caroline Salas, Craig Torres, and Shannon D. Harrington on the Fed's junk bonds: "Fed Made Taxpayers Junk-Bond Buyers Without Congress Knowing"
- National Review Online Thu, July 1, 2010: Cato mentioned in a new media post by Kevin D. Williamson on trimming the military budget: "How Not To Cut Military Spending"
- Foreign Affairs (also appeared in Radio Free Europe) Thu, July 1, 2010: Cato mentioned in an op-ed by James Kirchick on Georgia's relationship with Russia: "Letter From Tbilisi: Russia on their Mind"
- Libertad Digital (Spain) Thu, July 1, 2010: Gabriela Calderon authored an op-ed on the recession: "Distorsiones historicas y la crisis"
- Mother Jones Thu, July 1, 2010: Alan Reynolds cited in a new media post by Kevin Drum on the federal stimulus: "Federal Stimulus, State Sedative"
- Reason Magazine Blog Thu, July 1, 2010: Timothy B. Lee cited in a new media post by Peter Suderman on Bilski v. Kappos: "Court Punts on Patent Case"
- Reason Magazine Blog Thu, July 1, 2010: Michael F. Cannon cited in a new media post by Peter Suderman on Romneycare: "In Massachusetts, the Health Insurance Game Adds More Players"
- Thu, July 1, 2010: Daniel J. Mitchell authored a new media post on national corporate income taxes: "Corporate Tax Rates Are Falling in Europe. Why Not in the U.S.?"
American Family Radio Network (radio), Thu, July 1, 2010 Ilya Shapiro discusses Kagan's confirmation hearings on Crane Durham's Nothing But Truth - St. Petersburg Times Thu, July 1, 2010: Daniel Griswold quoted in an article by Ritch Workman on illegal immigration: "Workman misquotes immigration report"
- Daily Caller Thu, July 1, 2010: Tad DeHaven quoted in an article by Chris Moody on the conservatives' defense of NASA spending: "GOP members use classic Democrat arguments to defend Nasa spending in their districts"
- Business and Media Institute Thu, July 1, 2010: Jeffrey Miron featured in an article by Jeff Poor on his appearance on MSNBC's 'Morning Joe': "Angry Liberal Columnist Attacks Libertarian Economist; Scarborough Redefines Regulation and Conservatism"
- Huffington Post Thu, July 1, 2010: Doug Bandow authored an op-ed on the motivations behind terrorism: "Terrorism: Why They Want to Kill us"
Fox Business Network (television), Wed, June 30, 2010 Daniel J. Mitchell discusses financial regulation and the use of TARP money on Bulls & Bears C-SPAN (television), Fri, June 11, 2010 Christopher A. Preble gives a speech on cutting defense spending