Displaying 132401 - 132425 of 144484
CNN Radio (radio), Thu, July 15, 2010 Michael D. Tanner discusses Social Security and later retirement KTRH (Houston TX) (radio), Thu, July 15, 2010 Ilya Shapiro discusses the Arizona immigration lawsuit - Aporrea Thu, July 15, 2010: Cato mentioned in an op-ed by Nicolás Contreras Hernández on U.S. imperialism: "Estampas de un mundo convulso por vientos de guerra"
- Washington Examiner (also appeared in San Francisco Examiner) Thu, July 15, 2010: Chris Edwards quoted in an article by Julie Mason on stimulus spending: "Obama finds stimulus, deficit line hard to straddle"
- Seattle Times Thu, July 15, 2010: Michael D. Tanner cited in an article by Kyung M. Song on unemployment benefits: "Extended unemployment benefits: making job hunters too picky?"
- New American Thu, July 15, 2010: Cato cited in an article by Bob Adelmann on Social Security benefits: "Social Security Benefits Only for Needy?"
- Huffington Post Thu, July 15, 2010: Michael D. Tanner cited in an op-ed by Dave Johnson on unemployment benefits: "Make Them Work -- Citizens as 'The Help'"
- Axis of Logic Thu, July 15, 2010: Cato mentioned in an article by Eva Golinger on funding journalists in Venezuela: "Buying the Press. Documents reveal multimillion-dollar funding to journalists and media in Venezuela"
- Washington Examiner Thu, July 15, 2010: Chris Edwards quoted in an article by Julie Mason on solving the budget deficit: "Obama finds stimulus, deficit line hard to straddle"
- USA Today Thu, July 15, 2010: Michael D. Tanner quoted in an article by Paul Wiseman on unemployment benefits: "Long-term unemployed fear loss of jobless benefits"
- National Review Online Wed, July 14, 2010: Michael D. Tanner featured in an article by Kathryn Jean Lopez on the consequences of Obamacare: "Bad Medicine: Not What We Need"
- Associated Press (also appeared in Home News Tribune (New Jersey)) Wed, July 14, 2010: Cato mentioned in an editorial on cutting military spending: "Recent Editorials From New Jersey Newspapers"
- USA Today Wed, July 14, 2010: Daniel J. Mitchell authored an op-ed on on TARP: "Opposing view on banking bailout: 'A moral abomination'"
- Wed, July 14, 2010: Roger Pilon's Cato@Liberty post on the relationship between government and the press cited in a new media post: "On the Separation of Press and State"
- Forbes Wed, July 14, 2010: Daniel J. Mitchell authored a new media post on health care reforms: "ObamaCare Should Be Repealed, But That Should Be Just The First Step"
NPR affiliate (WBUR - Boston MA) (radio), Thu, July 15, 2010 Patrick J. Michaels discusses Standford's study on heat waves on On Point with Tom Ashbrook - The Week Wed, July 14, 2010: Walter Olson cited in an article on Toyota cars and recalls: "Toyota's acceleration problem: Thousands of bad drivers?"
CSPAN 2 (television), Wed, July 14, 2010 Gerald P. O'Driscoll's WSJ op-ed on regulatory capture cited by Sen. Sheldon Whitehouse
- Freeman Online Wed, July 14, 2010: Gene Healy featured in a book review by George C. Leef on overcriminalization: "Go Directly to Jail: The Criminalization of Almost Everything"
- MedPage Today Blog Wed, July 14, 2010: Ilya Shapiro quoted in a new media post by Roger Collier on the individual mandate: "The individual mandate and the impending Supreme Court challenge"
- Wed, July 14, 2010: Jim Harper's Cato@Liberty blog post on the Telecommunications Act of 1996 cited in a new media post: "Best of the Blogs: Wednesday"
KTTH (Seattle WA) (radio), Fri, July 16, 2010 Patrick J. Michaels discusses his WSJ op-ed on Climategate on David Boze Show - Texas Insider Wed, July 14, 2010: William A. Niskanen cited in a new media post on the welfare state: "Open the Borders: Migration and the Welfare State"
- OMB Watch Wed, July 14, 2010: Cato mentioned in an article on deepwater drilling in the Gulf: "Courts Block Deepwater Drilling Moratorium, Salazar Issues Revisions in Response"
- Captain's Journal Wed, July 14, 2010: Benjamin H. Friedman and Christopher A. Preble cited in a new media post by Herschel Smith on the Sustainable Defense Task Force report: "Sustainable Defense Task Force"